
Question about washing dyed hair?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i got it dyed about 3:00 pm today.

my friend (very reliable source) said that if a wash it soon, that some of the actually shine to the dye would wash out.

its 9:30ish as of now.

if i wash it, would it take away some color??

permanent dye.. well until it grows :]




  1. Get hair dye friendly shampoo I would suggest Vive Pro Color Vibe shampoo and conditioner it works really well, I dyed my hair and only a little bit of dye came out

  2. when hair is dyed... and rinsed out properly... you shouldn't wash it normally until 48 hours later.. it gives the pourous hair a chance to seal up and allow oils to redistribute.

    nothing is going to make it do anything that isn't going to happen when you wash it after 48 hours rest.

    if it's going to shine.. it'll shine.. if not.. it was a bad dye job..  no amount of time other than it growing out will help that.

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