
Question bout b***s?

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my lil sis iz 13 yr. she doesn't hav any b***s yet, n she iz really worried. she alwayz wear my bra so other ppl in her class may think that she isn't flat. she is really sad bout it.

can any1 help? any advice on how to make her b***s grow?




  1. b***s grow naturally, and no lotion or pill will make them grow faster. you just need to tell her to be a little patient. she's still only 13 lol. if she desperately wants her b***s to look bigger, buy her a push up bra. and please, dont tell her to stuff her bra. =]

  2. TIME!..she is only 13 years old tell her to relax be happy she doesnt have them yet. dont try and grow up to quick. im a size d cup and had b***s at 13 and thats all guys look at trust me its annoying that kind of attention gets aggervating....she is so young tell her to calm down the will fill in as she gets older! she is still maturing! she doesnt want them to grow too quick if she had big b***s at 13 by the time she was 20 they would be bigger and she would get back pain and no clothes will fit right will be fine. tell her b***s arent going to make her popular or anything. just focus on her good points and people wont care if she isnt full chested yet...good luck!

  3. Everybody is different when it comes to this.  Some girls develop at late as 17.  Some as early as 8.  I really wouldn't worry about it.  I started developing at 9, my lil' sis at 15, my niece is almost 11 and hasn't started yet.  Same gene pool.

    If she feels self conscious about it- get her some "training" bras.  My lil' sis's all have padding and make her look bigger and more developed.  

    As for making them grow - no. Pills don't work, and neither do any of those creams.  Don't wish for big b***s either.  I had a reduction earlier this year b/c of the severe damage to my back.

  4. Well, 95% of girls' b*****s stop growing at the age of 15-16. The other 5% keep growing till their mid 20's.

    She can massage them twice a day. Go to this site to increase a cup in 1 month. It helped me!
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