
Question bout pedafiles?

by  |  earlier

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so if a kid lik 14 or 15 guy was curious and he swaped pics with other guys the same age is that pedafiling???

and they knew they were both the same age




  1. it also depends what is in the pics, if they are nude but non sexual then it's ok, but if it's sexual it could be considered child pornography

    how do you know the other guy is your age and not just sharing pictures he has?

  2. one person must be an adult... I would call what you describe curiosity

  3. no, i would think one has to be an adult

  4. No what you describe is normal for most young guys to swap these sort of things amongst their peer group

    Paedophilia is when an adult co erses someone underage into sexual practises . Normally they would use incentives like cash or sweets , but at the extreme end may indeed harm or kill the juvenile  

  5. no. a pedafile is an adult, having sexual relations with a minor. (under 18 years old)

  6. If they are young children yes. But have you considered it's not emotionally healthy to look at p**n. It sometimes leads to an addiction to p**n and you will not have a healthy outlook on what is normal.In a few years you'll be dating, and a few more years your going to be thinking of marriage. Why not wait until the real thing comes along.

  7. In order to be officially considered a pedophile, a person needs to be at least 16 years of age, and at least five years older than the people whom he is attracted to.

  8. no!

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