
Question bout s*x... need guys opinion...?

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i was raised with 2 older brothers and so i am sporty snd stuff... anyways... me and my boyfriend go to have s*x and i heard on tv that if they have small peniises then its better for a girl to be ontop durring s*x for deep prnetration. so i like being ontop but my boyfriend likes it wen he is in control, but when he is in control i dont realy get pleaseured. so what do i do? do i go ontop and ride him out so i orgy or do i let him pump me so he can get off and

"feel like a man in control"?




  1. I feel it is like this..You both deserve pleasure...and he is going to get pleasure in either ride him. You should mix it up though take turns...but most importantly both get pleasure out of the experience.

  2. Tell him to spank you while he rides so he feels in control.

  3. hah nice lie no mans touching you and you know it

  4. NASTY.

  5. A REAL MAN will always bring pleasure to his lady first.  Try the cowgirl way, then when you're finished, let him have his way (you on bottom or doggy style).

  6. Sounds like his ego is larger than his other parts,If he is that small he will never be able to reach your G spot. There are toys available to help with stimulation. If he does not wish to work with you to get you some relief then maybe it is time to find one that will. It has been my life's experience that different people get off in different ways all are not just simple s*x in standard positions One must experiment with different positions and methods to see what works best for them.I always enjoyed jetting my partner off regardless what it took to do it.I believe that good s*x is for both to enjoy not just one. I have in the past heard women talk about jackrabbit s*x leaving them hanging and I have heard guys bragging about getting there nut but nothing about how the female partner did.I guess some only think of them selves and that is a total shame. s*x Is a wonderful experience when both partners are fully engaged in the act. If all you wish is self satisfaction Do it by hand you don't need a partner .I always felt I was gifted with a stronger than usual s*x drive for a man,and was almost always (95%) able to satisfy my partner before myself.  Guys need to realize that for the most part We wake up with a ***** and nurse it all day thinking about s*x and wishing we could bang every beauty that walks by and by the time we go to have s*x we are about to explode. Women (most) on the other hand don't spend their day thinking about it and when the time arises they need to be stimulated and brought up to the moment.Your ability to bring them to that moment is your responsibility. This can prove to be very difficult because each female is very different. While one may like a tongue in the ear it may be a turnoff to another. They may enjoy a slight nibble  or kiss on the neck. They may enjoy a nibble or just a gentle tongue action on the nipples, I love to caress the neck and nipples working my way down the the stomach and venture even lower if they allow ,If they don,t protest then you (as we often say)have it licked. But even this is an art. If done properly you will have them rising off the sheets if not they will want to quit because it tickles.(Got to go for the man in the boat), If you don,t know what that is then you had better find out before going there. I have found in my life that even tho women will love one man they long for good s*x and will go for it with another just for sexual satisfaction if you can't fulfill their needs. Now having said all this my advice to you is to let him read this or try to get him involved in experimenting with different options..

  7. find a different p***s and even more important, p***s controller.  its not the size of the boat its how it rocks.

    make him give you yours before you have s*x, either oral or with toys if he is not good at oral.  then you can have s*x however he wants, but he probably wants you to take real control and slap him around like the little ***** he is.

  8. guys like it rough. Slap him in the face, flip him over and ride the h**l out of that c**k. Dont even give him a chance to say a word just take control and be nice and loud. Remember to spank and slap him when you can. It will drive him crazy.

  9. Take turns x

  10. if u love him you let him be in control...but try other ways too like from behind...also foreplay is the best way too...let him know that you need urs too and s*x is for the both of ur and you both should have a climax and if he loves u he would understand...

  11. It's not about athletics and your two older brothers qualifying you to go on top. "It's not about you feeling like the man in control or him feeling like the man in control"!

    The dynamics of competetiveness that you learned with your brothers is just so not the dynamics that you carry into a male female realtionship! If you use that, you would have been better off to have been an only child! Hahaha! Your brothers were siblings and in a sense competetors. you and a boyfriend or husband are supposed to be allys, not competetors. It's not about boss and control... silly girl!  Girls these days!??

    The idea is for both of you to fulfill each other and both get off. There are all kinds of positions other than on top, and this is supposed to be Making Love, not competing. Communication and what feels good is what both of you go for each other! It's supposed to be romantic, exciting, loving and a celebration of each!    

    Just like you being able to adjust when you are on top to get the best sense of pleasure, he is able to do the same to get best pleasure when his has the ability to do the angle and position setting.

    It isn't anthing about him being the man in control anymore than it should be about you being the man in control when you go on top?.. or is it with you because of your older brothers?

    It might be an idea to mabye take turns as to who sets the angle and deapth..speed etc. You each have different gear of coarse, so it needs different speed, contact and type of stimulation.

    With communication and enjoyment you can find ways of pleasing each other. If you see it as battle of the sexes, give it up and move on until it all comes together better for you.

    You need to leave the dynamics learned with your self serving brothers and move into a new relationship level with males as to them being someone who wants only good for you, and if they don't, honey, they's the wrong one for you! Move on and find more of a Mr right! Hahaha!  

    Most Dudes who Love a woman will put her just as important as himself and give extra considerations for her because instinctively he just wants to look out for her. If that part is missing, he is still a bit immature...Not hopless...just needs more time. Using copmetative older sisters as a model for boy girl friend relationship may have temporarily screwed him as well and set him back some?...I think that you are starting to get the picture now? Hahaha!

    A little harsh, but ...just to be thought provoking!

    Caring for you and hoping the best for you

    Me! :- )

  12. While he has a desire to feel in control, it is also an EXCITING thing to be with a woman that you can SEE is enthusiastic (not just willing to surrender to your wishes) by her taking control and being aggressive.  An aggressive,  enthusiastic woman for a lover is a THRILLING thing.  I'd gladly relinquish control (at least 50% of the time) in trade for a wildcat if I were he.  Go for it girl, ride 'em cowgirl !

  13. make feel good a couple of times by faking it when he pumps you

    then be like lets try it a dif wqay this time

  14. doggy style is the way to go

    he'll feel like a man, and you'll get the same pleasure as being on top

    i'm sorry that your man is small

  15. It's simple !!!

    Just take turns.

    1 day be on top & the next, let him ride U.

    O !!!  & U're right about U being on top cause it does give U a better sensation than him being on top.

    So like I said "just compremise"

  16. switch it up everyone once in a while. u could go at it a couple times a night alternating between both of u

  17. You should compromise. Besides that is what a relationship is all about anyway. Love, trust, communication and compromise. It would be selfish of either of you if you wanted your way all the time.  

  18. do both

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