
Question for Republicans!!?

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What do you think of McCain's choice of Palin? I thought it was an awful idea! I personally, think that Condoleeza Rice would have made a much better VP. Not only is she more experienced, more intelligent, and she's been in the White House for quite some time, BUT, McCain could also bring over some racist and sexist voters, because she's a black female. I don't know, maybe he had some secret tactic with Palin that I'm not aware of, but I just didn't think it was one of his smartest ideas.




  1. Although I think Condoleeza Rice would be a great choice...The "Mc" Libs would have a field day with it.

  2. I would have liked to see Condi have the pick but she is too associated with GWB.  She could still be secretary of state where I'm concerned and Still has time to run in the future.

  3. Palin actually has the responsibility of making decisions for a state. She is responsible for setting  the state's policy and the fiscal management. The fact that she actually makes decisions puts her ahead of Obama,Biden,Rice or even McCain. She sticks to her conservative convictions and is articulate in expressing them. This was a brilliant choice by McCain. She is going to be a great vice-president.

  4. Strategically smart.

    The focus of the Democrat campaign is to tie McCain in with Bush.

    Palin is a Washington outsider with no ties to Bush

    78% of people want oil drilling.

    What better way to get some of those votes by having someone who can tell voters how having oil/gas production has helped the voters in their home state

    Voters want the end of party politics.

    Again, someone who is a reformer, took on corruption in her own party, passed ethics reform

    Democrats are so dumb they think it's about Palin being a female and going after Clinton supporters.

    McCain will play that card and let them be distracted while he goes after all the independants.

  5. Condi has made it plain that she has no desire to serve as President or Vice-President.  I still think that he should have picked Romney but I can see why he would chose Palin.  If you look her up she has a lot going for her.  

  6. I think Condoleeza Rice would be an excellent choice. I think most got it wrong thinking that McCain is trying to get Hillary voters.

    He is trying to show how inexperienced Obama is. IOW, "if I die in office, the person replacing me will have a little more experience in running an executive office than Obama... and she's a mom."

    The Democrats have painted Rice as a warmonger. They disparage females and this lady he picked will be hard to disparage without them looking like a bigot. You can already see it and of course the hatred of women is already starting to show both on here and in the liberal media. They want to paint her as a s*x object instead of a Governor. She beat out the last Democratic Governor of her state, and she didn't do it with being cute. However the national news media is going to focus on her modeling career and ignore her real accomplishments as a woman.

    It's all pretty funny to watch them fall all over themselves. They know their guy doesn't know c**p about being a president or world affairs so they can't attack her on her experience as it may just be she is more experienced than Obama. So they use sexism.

    The real reason Hillary was not selected as his running mate was because it would make a black man look weak leaning on a white female with more experience. So they had to hire a mentor and had to get one that had a lot of experience. They picked Biden although no one wanted him as President because he only got 1% of the Iowa vote before he had to drop out of the race.

  7. I think he made a great choice. It's not just about her being a woman. One of the best things about Palin is that the obvious issue to attack her on is her limited experience. Obama would be a fool to make that an issue, since her experience exceeds his, and she is only the VP candidate.

  8. Rice has already said she has no desire to stay in politics, she intends on writing a book about the White House. Palin is a great choice, in my opinion. McCain can't very well distance himself from Bush by having one of Bush's cabinet members in his cabinet, Obama would have ripped Rice apart. If he had chosen Romney the Dems would have tore him apart, too because he is "big business" and he has laid off workers to enhance the bottom line of a spread sheet.

  9. I think there HAS to be a really qualified Republican woman. Why McCain's team failed to find her, and subbed this prize clowness, is anyone's guess. One of history's great jokes.

  10. Rice would have fueled the mcsame argument.

    I'm happy with Palin

  11. Not really. Rice is actually pro-choice.  Rice wouldn't have brought the  Evangelical vote. blacks would not have voted for her. Does the meaning DEMs mean anything to you. Blacks vote for Dems. she's a rep she wouldn't have the black vote. black people think she's to white. she reminds a lot of Michelle Obama. (that's not a good thing) she has no kids, so no family votes. She's part of the Bush admistration so picking her would have said McSame. a name he's trying to distance himself from. Rice has nothing in common with working people. she's overqualifed. true. but research. people think the only reason he picked Palin is she's a Woman. that's false. she has a lot of things going. the fact that she has a baby with down syndrome also gives her votes for families that are are effected by the illness.  She has 5 kids. Her son is in the army. you keep hearing "rich people don't have kids in the army" so she knows what the Army is going through. She has family in the army.

  12. Since your not aware of Palin research her.

    Everyone knows, COndi was not a choice, she has interest in this.

  13. Rice doesn't want to run for public office. She has stated that before. I like her also.

    I like Palin, I have heard her speak before. I believe she is a very good choice. McCain's choice made me smile all day long.

    I feel bad for Hillary, she has got to be so peeved with Obama. Obama shot himself in the foot.

  14. Condaleeza Rice is too close to George Bush.  People do not want another George Bush term and that is what she represents to voters.  Palin was a good choice in my opinion.  She's sharp, stands strongly for pro life and is not afraid to stand up to lobbyists.


  15. Rice was my first choice too - and it wouldn't surprise me if she was asked - but she has made it very clear in no uncertain terms, she did not want to be Vice-President.  I think she also had some baggage.  If the Democrats strategy is to call McCain the "Bush third term", how much easier does that charge stick with Rice on the ticket?

    Even so, I have done some research on Palin - and this is not just some "token female" pick.  She has real executive experience, a proven track record of reform and fighting corruption; so pro-life she refused to abort her own baby even though she knew it was to be born with Downs Syndrome.  She is smart, tough, very popular in Alaska -she and her husband both have union backgrounds and are not your typical "right-wing" Republicans.

    I think it is an excellent choice and I am SO looking forward to the debate with Joe Biden!  

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