
Question for Teenagers...?

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So i am helping out with the youth group at my church. But have no idea how to talk to the kids and make them feel comfortable to talk to me. I am only 25 so its not like i am an old "mom" type. Any ideas on how to get conversation started, etc. Thanks!




  1. I have been in my youth group, Hearts For Youth, for about 5 years now, and we've been through at least 4 directors. I know from a director's viewpoint, this can be daunting :p

    Out of those four directors, I have loved two of them, one I was indifferent with, and the newest one is atrocious. The new one is so terrible because she simply doesn't care about anything with us, haha.

    But now what you're asking with. The easiest way is simply to talk. Be normal, and be yourself. You don't need to try to sound 'cool' or anything, because that never really works well. Have humor, joke around, and don't be afraid to pick on people a little bit. The basic thing is just to have fun, and let the teens know that you're [for lack of a better word] "chill".

    Of course, don't be afraid to discipline. You simply need rules if you want to get anywhere. Let the teens know your policy or ask THEM what they think is fair. One of the best things to do is just to talk with them. At first, don't try to go anywhere too deep with conversation, as it takes a bit to warm up. Just talk and urge them to join in. Sure, you can ask questions about what they like to do, and they can be encouraged to ask you questions as well, but it's not an interrogation. Don't force them to ask questions, nor answer. Make sure the input is 50-50.

    Just smile, laugh, and have fun. If you have fun, they'll probably have fun too. Lots of people dread teenagers, but in truth, we're not all that bad :p

    I'm 16, and I have been quite dedicated to my youth group for YEARS. It's a lot of fun to be with someone that really likes the youth :). The hardest thing may be starting that first conversation, but it really doesn't have to be hard. Just start it like any other conversation. The most important thing is to treat the members as if they're equals, because in truth, they most certainly should be. It's the youth keeping the organization alive, not the director.

    I realize that this is a bit lengthy, but our latest director isn't doing the greatest job, and this is how it SHOULD have been handled in my opinion :p

    Thanks for reading ;)

  2. i would deff start by telling them an embarrassing or funny story.. always breaks the ice and they feel they can relate

  3. start out with a video clip ( from a movie their familiar with), or a funny story to get them engaged and interested.

  4. ask them what they have on their i pods.  that alawys gets me talking.  school is not the best subject to talk about.  umm...dont try too hard to be cool. OH! you could ask them about what kind of cell phone they have and if they text and stuff.  

  5. Why not just try being yourself?

    Ask about non-generational things. Maybe you could try asking about some things that are universal, like school pressures or boys? Maybe you could ask them to give you makeup tips and vice versa. What are their honest feelings about God and how can you help them form a deeper connection with Him?  Be open an honest, not fake.

    Pretend they're the cool little sisters you never had (or maybe you do.)

    Hope I helped :)

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