
Question for all parents!!

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What I want to know is how many parents out there think it is ok to have your young child on your lap while mowing the lawn?

This is more of an eye opening than a question. The reason for it is that my 4 year old grandson at this moment is in surgery because of the stupidity of his father. He was on his lap, fell off and ran his son over.

So I was curious about how many parents think this is ok to do.




  1. How is it possible to sit on someone's lap while they mow the lawn?

  2. It depends on how you do it. If the person mowing is in a hurry, then definitely no, but if they are planning to make it more like a ride around on a tractor, and pay more attention to the kid than mowing, then why not.

    I hope your grandson is okay.

  3. That is so awful...I don't have children, but I definately wouldn't let my child ride with me on a lawn mower

  4. We dont have a riding lawn mower.  They did a story on a simulare situation on the Today Show a few months back...scary scary stuff.

    I will say a prayer for your Grandson!  I sure hope he is alright, please keep us posted!!!

  5. I sat on my grandfather's lap when he cut the grass all the time.  Y'all just hit some bad luck.  The odds of what happened to your son is astronomical.  Take it easy on him, if you son still wants to ride with him I bet the will BOTH be more careful next time.

    To those that are going to give me the thumbs are the kind of people that would make your kid wear a helmet while washing a car.

  6. I hope your grandchild will be okay.  What a horrible event.  I'm sure no one thinks it was a good idea.  I hope you are not saying anything but comforting words to your husband because he will most likely never get over the mistake he has made. He will be beating himself up about it more than anyone else ever could.  Instead of concentrating on the mistake that has been made, I hope you will put all your energy into being supportive and caring of your entire family.  

  7. NO!!!!!!

    I will pray for you grandson.

  8. I'm just wondering if it makes you feel better to bad-mouth your son-in-law all over Yahoo?  Did you also take out an ad in the local paper to draw attention to this accident?  Shout it from the rooftops -- You're not making this better.  Accidents happen.  Your grandson survived.  It's his father who will deal with the consequences.  Instead of spreading nasty messages all over Yahoo, why don't you go visit your grandson in the hospital and get over it.  It's obvious to me that you dislike his father and you just want a place to scream it out.

  9. Not ok at all  

  10. Not okay at all! I see a big accident if this doesn't stop!

  11. not okay

  12. No, it's not okay.  It's never okay to let a young child be near a lawn mower.  Some people dont think accidents can happen to them.  They know they happen to others, but never to them.  Please keep us posted on your grandson.

  13. Bottom line...  accidents happen. If you never let a child do anything dangerous, they would be sitting in padded room.  

    You need to also be aware, depending on just how severe of a trauma this was physically, his memories may not be accurate about the situation.  I know thats not what you want to here, but it is a real and serious psychological complication of severe trauma.  I am actually surprised that he got ran over and was in a condition to speak at all.

  14. OMG. That is horrible. I would kill my husband if he did something that stupid! I hope your grandson is better soon.  

  15. Absolutely not! I'd never okay that.

  16. Well, well well.  It's not okay to place any child in danger and it's not okay to be negligent with ensuring their safety.  So the little boy's dad has not acted in a very responsible way.

    However, you seem to be really getting off on this.  Seems like you have nothing but bad feelings for the little guy's dad and are using this incident to vent about him.

    What a sad situation.  It's sad that you are so unhappy.

    Hope your grandson will be okay.

  17. depends... the child is 4 and should be able to control his balance. Yet, if the child was goofing off and being like a normal 4 year old no.

  18. was the dad drunk how could he let him fall that's stupidity i think its ok its just some parents are stupid and careless

  19. I believe that this is at each parents discretion....Me personally I would not have it, just for reasons like what unfortunately happened to your grandson (he is in my prayers).  I do understand people like to expose kids to certain things, But you have to think about the what could or what ifs.  So me personally I don't think that it is a wise decision.    

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