
Question for all the guys? ?

by  |  earlier

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My husbands friends said that they thought I was nice looking. My husband told me this and he said he was pissed off. I thought guys liked being able to brag? What the heck shouldn't he be happy? They could have said I looked like shrek?!!! Am I supposed to go down hill after marriage just so he can feel at ease?




  1. Good question I 'd take it as a compliment.

  2. your husband is very insecure. I would take it as a compliment from my friends.

  3. Oh butter, butter, are married to an insecure man.  If you are HOT (and I assume you are from the compliments and hubby's reaction) then you should take pride in your looks and he should take pride in his wife.  I am not saying that he holds you up like a trophy.  On the contrary, he should relish the fact that he has a beautiful wife who loves him, that he loves you, and that he is the one YOU chose, and visa versa.

    I've been married for 24 years, and as hard as things are sometimes, I would not have wanted to marry someone else (and my wife is short, and overweight, but to me she is beautiful).  

  4. its a compliment, you just have a really insecure husband, he thinks that you will leave him for that one dude, your husband needs to get over it

  5. Yes, guys like to brag...but they don't like other guys to brag about their wife.  

    It's a thin line to say 'your wife looks nice' and to cross the line of saying the 'wife looks too good'.

    And some guy friends are not so 'friends', so a guy won't trust them and won't want them to say stuff about his wife.

  6. He just realized that other guys are checking you out so hes getting defensive.  Its his way of dealing with it. Dont let it get to you, just reassure him he has nothing to worry about.

  7. it is a compliment.

    no need to go downhill.

  8. Hubby has a mind which tells him they are threats to his "owning" you. He has some serious emotional problems and they will get worse and you will be under siege unless he get's evaluated at a mental health clinic or adult psych. unit of a hospital: special tests for anxiety and behavioral/emotional disorders. I am NOT kidding, He is delusional and he should have said "d**n straight she is good looking, and she is all mine, so eat out your hearts" and then he should have planted a huge kiss on you and laughed the whole thing off. He is very insecure, and has low self esteem. This is a recipe for calamity,

    disaster, and arguments galore, in addition to his certainly trying to keep you in a bubble and  isolated.

    You just insist he get help out of love for him and your desire to keep the marriage in tact. If he refuses, and startws the aboive, leave ASAP...he will get the message. He might even need meds to control these delusions. I know people just like this who have given their spouses yerars of h**l and they have refused testing and medical help. Do not be one of these.

  9. Some guys love other guys to look at their partner - they feel proud. Other guys hate it and feel jealous. It's just one of those things.

    I guess everyone is different - it makes the world interesting.

    I love it when guys look at my wife - to me, it says I am lucky and made a good choice.

  10. no, i dunno what his problem is....but he'll get over it

  11. he sounds a little insecure, but its probably nothing to worry about , unless, it becomes extreme.

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