
Question for bipolar people

by Guest34459  |  earlier

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can you induce a manic phase through deep meditation and yoga, Ihave had deppresive episodes for most of my life, but I never have been manic, I started eating well, excercising, meditation, and yoga, One day I just started going into this peacefu state of hieghtened awarness, It fet very spiritual, I was acting normal on the outside, but on the inside i was having this bissfu experience with feeings of empathy and ove and oneness, t was peacful, but not euphoric, i aso had these psychic experinces where i would see auras and hear conversations far away, what is this, is doesn't seem ike mania, I mean it was induced by meditation




  1. That is not the description of a manic episode or state.

  2. I'm not sure about people with mental illness, but in 'insight meditation' everybody's mind is expected to create its own thoughts (and they will be strange because it's your subconscious creating them) without involvement on your part. They're not real so just observe the thoughts with detachment and you'll see them disappear on their own. When they're gone, the calm feeling should become deeper leaving you calm and relaxed. It also increases wisdom as you learn to identify with what your thoughts and emotions truly are so they don't have a hold on you as strongly as before.

  3. It is possible that meditation is your trigger into mania. Discuss it further with your doctor/therapist. They are there to help recognize your triggers for mania and depression. It's hard to judge since meditation puts you in a very peaceful state. But if there are manic symptoms there, it could be hypomania. You need to talk to a professional.  

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