
Question for germans?

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i dont mean to cause any offence but i wanted to ask you do you thonk that germeny has completely recovered from the days of hitler.

do you think that everyone now accepts germany and sees it for what i now is ie modern forward thinking and the hilter days are just a blot on germanys history or do you still find there is some hatred and dislike of germany and it`s people for what happened during ww2 do you as germans find any problems with racism or dislike towards you and your country even though world war 2 has finished and hitler and the 3rd riech has finished




  1. I'm a German who travelled countries as far south as India, and as far north as Norway, and as to my experience, it doesn't depend on the country, but on the generation you're talking with. The older people, who (or their parents) experienced WWII still dislike us because of Hitler. It even happened to me one time (really, one single time, and I don't mention the country) that I was aggressively greeted with a shouted "Heil Hitler!" salute, while I was just sitting around and talking to a friend in German. That's not a nice experience. It also happened to me once that I was travelling in India on a bus and a nice conversation with an elderly couple for half an hour until it turned out that I was German and they were Israelis. Ouch! They turned away and wouldn't talk to me for the rest of the journey. (I don't look very "German", and you can't tell by my English accent that I am; I don't know what they thought I am.)

    That's experiences I still make. I was born in the late 1960ies, that's when the Federal Republic of Germany was long founded, and I'm so fed up with this Hitler c**p... -- But time and again, it comes up, and it hurts.

    I don't think it's actually hatred. Watch some BBC documentaries about WWII, and how the present the Hitler era: It's all about the Wehrmacht and the aviation developments (the Stukas), and how Germany almost would have had the atom bomb (they were nowhere near that). It's not hatred. It's envy, and it's... fear. It's fear something like that might happen again. They could blast down a tiny dictator like Saddam; but with a "new Hitler", there would be a problem.

    But that will never happen again. The German people is provided with the legal means (in Art. 20/4 GG, the Grundgesetz or German constitution) to overthrow a government that neglects democratic principles. Although it is not explicitely mentioned, this regulation also means: if necessary, by use of arms.

    (Link in German: )

  2. No problem with Adolf.

    we are widely accepted in the world, germany was/is a very friendly country (World soccer cup 2006).

    we have learned a lot from our history, no more WAR! no chance.

    we have g*y leaders of the parlament in Hamburg and Berlin a ay leader of a political party (Free Democrats) and we are no.1 in the world of Export and no.2 in the world of economics.

    I have traveld in so many countrys around the world and never had any trouble as a German even in eastern countrys like Russia,Romania, Bulgaria or Poland.

    There are still some people left in Germany that believe we need to get back lost parts of our country (in Poland,Tschekia,France) but they die out.

    In school in in a lot of open discussions we learn about history/Hitler/3rdReich and so on.

    The Jewisch population is growing. We have monuments and museums to remember the holocaust. Everybody ca visit concentration camps and will be informed about everything that happened.

    Our constitution is very tight, no chance to do the same as in 1933.

    and I know that there still is a minority of people in Europe and elsewhere that a jelouse about Germany. We have lost the war and today we are again on top of it, but we have worked very hard for it and suffered a lot. Anyway we are proud today and our democracy is very strong.

  3. smile ...Hamburg has a g*y Jewish leader  where else in the world?

  4. it is still a problem for german exchange students in england to answer the question "where you from?" with germany.

    it can happen that some english guys beat you up.

    to much sun readers in england.

  5. Yes, there are still people in the world that hate Germans and I think that is so stupid because I'm 30 years old, I wasn't alive back then and none of my family has done anything to anyone. But I think you just have to deal with it, some people are just narrow minded.

  6. Well, there is still people who dislike Germany or Germans, but those are mainly people who know nothing about Germany. I used to live in the states and it was shocking how little people knew about Hitler and Germany. There were even people who thought he was alive!!!! WOW!!!!

    I think even Germans still have a problem with it, or at least a problem with how others might view them. You don't see a lot of patriotism in this country.

    The soccer world cup last year finally caused people to be a little more patriotic. You could see tons of German flags on cars, in windows, all over the place. People were finally proud of who they were.

    It didn't last long, because shortly after the world cup the flags were gone, but it was a start.

    Maybe one day Germans can be proud of their country without the immediate association with Hitler (who was Austrian anyway).

  7. I'm not German, but most the time I'm living here and see often this questions Germany/Hitler. This make me mad. Why the German's need to feel so bad about this history? I know it's bad, but why are we not looking forward and saying something like that never can be happen again and I know people learn about that. Look the another countries and we are in year 2007 what they do, just wars and killing each other and making nuclear weapons let their own people suffering because they are putting all their money for the military. I think they need to learn how to stop that stuff.

    Sorry, but I'm getting really mad about all that. Perhaps this is not the answer for your question, but I need to say that what I'm thinking.
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