
Question for guys only!!!..

by  |  earlier

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i have a question for the guys, i thought maybe getting your opion on this would help me understand things a little clearer, Im 16 years old and was with me ex for a year and a half, we where really close, and lived around the corner from each other, We was going through a bad time, and he turned around and said to me one day he had " Fallen out of love with me" So i guess i had to accept this however much it hurt, So we went our seperate way"s, A couple of weeks later i found out i was pregnant ( With him )!, i decided obviously he had to know, so i asked him if we could meet and i told him!. He didnt react to well, and told me that he would only support me through an abortion, because he did not want a baby, At first i was going to have an abortion for him because he made me feel guily, so he met up with me a few times to talk about it, Then a few weeks later i decided i wanted to keep the baby and he should no influence it. i met up with him and told him i was keeping it, and sure enough he walked away, I tried to contact him after that and he woudnt return any of my calls, Sometimes he would ask me what im up to and make contact, other times he would simply egnore me. Sadly a week ago i suffered a misscarriage i was devastated, i just cant recover from it, i contacted him and he hasnt got back to me AT all, nothing not even one word, I was just wondering would any lad sypathese with him!? Or feel emmbarrsed if they where him?!




  1. He's a loser and not worth one minute of your thoughts. He was cowardly and selfish, probably because of fear of getting in trouble or just pure lack of responsibility. I think you're very brave for not getting an abortion even though he didn't support you with that. If I were him, I'd be extremely ashamed and most likely never forgive myself. However, he doesn't sound like the sort who'd feel guilty and will probably carry on like nothing happened.

    I'm sorry about your baby, try not to think about this guy. He's not worth getting in touch with even, he couldn't face up to his responsibilities and took the immature and selfish way out.

  2. I know Im a girl but i definately have to say something about this. Me and my boy were together two months(not that long i kno) but he also broke up with me because he said he had fell out of love with its nice to kno im not the only one going through this.My ex boyfriend now goes back with the girl he was with before me....shes pregnant with his child. :(.....Anyways Yes, hes a total ***. Im pretty sure he was praying for something like that. But yes you should feel sorry for him. Sorry that he cant do right...that hes just not smart enough or strong enough to handle a situation like that.

  3. i dont wont a kid ethier but i would not have done what he  did i would have stiad with  you and took responsibliity this guy is a jerk

  4. He sounds like a dirtbag that doesn't want to man up to his responsibilities.  I don't sympathize with him.  He was thinking about how the pregnancy would affect his life.  He sounds self-involved and immature.  Sorry about the miscarriage.

  5. he ain't a real man. he got u pregnant n was the first one to tell you to abort your baby. he should have stepped up and took responsibility for all of it. so h**l no i wouldn't sympathize with the nikka.

  6. Oh man. Absolutely. That kid is an absolute d**k hole. Even if I were to impregnate a girl I would never ever ever leave her to go through the pregnancy alone. That would be selfish and incredibly inconsiderate. Stop trying to contact him, just work your way through the miscarriage and surround yourself with the ones you love.  

  7. He's a coward and selfish

    Good for you for not getting an abortion, and I'm so so sorry for your loss :(

    But you are way too good for him.  Now that you know the consequences of s*x, maybe you'll wait until you're older.  Things like this are so much easier to handle when you are married

    I feel so sad for you and what happened.  I really want to give you a hug :(

  8. ok i know a lot of people on here who said he was a total b1Ch because he was but i could understand why he might not want a kid so kind of look at things through his eyes and the reason he probably is avoiding you is because he feels bad for what he did by not calling you and he might think you dont want to talk to him and if i had got you pregnant i wouldn't want you to have a abortion but in the end its your choice and i would stick by you no matter what choice you made and even if we were not together i would still meet you in person to tell you I'm sorry about the miscarriage so if i were you maybe you should just give him time and if he doesn't talk to you still trust me you don't want a guy like that talking to you and by the answers to this question i guess there is a few good guys out there lol

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