
Question for hard working parents.?

by  |  earlier

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My dad is superman.

He wakes up early goes to work all day,

comes home, makes dinner, cleans the house,

takes my brother to football practice (where he's been volunteered to volunteer if you get my drift)

Comes back home, works some more, goes to bed, and half the time gets paged in the middle of the night to work some more. (he works on computers allowing him to sometimes work alone)

My Dad's always been a "if everyone else is happy I'm happy" type of guy, he's extrememly introverted, so even if we do know something is wrong he won't say.

He's been acting (understandably) very irritable and very on edge lately, and I try to tell him I love him as much as I can, and he always says I love you too, but he's not sure

It's hard seeing someone who tries so hard for us feel so down. Any advice? (and yes, i do my fair share of chores and always offer to help with dinner...)




  1. He needs some time off... HE is definately SUPERMAN :-)

    dWhy dont you look at things that he likes gather some money and give him a great day off.

    It could be going to play golf...

    Watching a football game .. get some simple recepies,  and give him three hours by himself.

    Let him go out to a bar and have a few beers...

    What would help him relax.. and motivate him to keep going?

    We took my husband to the mall and got him a massage  it costed about $10. he really enjoyed it and it gave him more energy to keep going.

    Most importanlty continue with your attitude, it might not seem like it but it does make a  difference.

    Good Luck.

  2. make an unexpected dinner or make an unexpected gift, i'm sure if  you try hard enough you will come up with something.

  3. Tell him you like to see him smile, then ask what you can do to make that happen.  He might not even realize how crabby he's been and your mere suggestion may help turn his mood around.

    If he does offer something you can do, do it.  :)

  4. Well you have a very cool dad and he sounds like Superman too! But sometimes you need to tell superman to tuck his cape in, and be a mere mortal for a second and I'm sure if he talks about he's feelings with someone he is close to, he'll feel better. Maybe a good friend or his wife. So anyways Give dad a pat on the back! and tell him everything is going to be alright.

  5. In your question, you said hard working parents but you didn't mention your mom.  Is she in the picture?  If so what does she do while your dad is doing all the work.

    As for your dad, he may be trying to hard to be superman and is running out of steam.  Why don't you just ask him if anything is wrong.  Tell him that you have seen a change in him and that you worry more by not knowing than you would if you knew what the problems is.

    Let him know that you want to help him as much as possible to lighten his load.

    Blessing for you and your Dad!    

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