
Question for seasoned moms only......?

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Does it annoy you when a friend/coworker, etc. becomes pregnant and acts like every stereotypical thing that is "supposed' to happen while pregnant happens to them? For instance, she is about 2 months prego and is like, "my baby is kicking" or "oh, I cant bend over and shave my legs anymore" that kind of stuff? Gosh, that reaallly annoys me! Its like, ooh now I am pregnant and the whole world has to stop for me!! (By the way, I have 3 kids)




  1. no the best is when she rubs her tummy all the time and says her back is killing her and she is like 8 weeks pregnant. I swear this one woman complained more in one night than I did in all 9 months, with all 4 of my kids. I think it would have been wrong to smack a pregnant women at church, though :)

  2. First time mom syndrome is awful. :)

  3. Hmm, at first it's's when it continues after 6 months that you're secretly praying everyday that she'll finally leave on her maternity break.....

    She just left....I'm so happy....

  4. yeah I think ppl want me to act like that i'm now 16 weeks and everybody around me wants to me act all pg and i don't lol but they really push my "condition" lol why do ppl say that in your condition wow how funny  

  5. yeah this bugs me a lot too!!  obviously its her first child and she will really know what it feels like to not be able to bend over and shave her legs when she is about 30 weeks and then you can sit back and laugh at her!  LOL

  6. LOL yeah it drove crazy also... I had a friend who was 7weeks @ the time with her first and she goes to me " I think its a boy, because it's not letting me keep anything down" I giggled @ her... Anyway when she had bub turns out it was a girl... LOL

    And another who just wouldnt let up all of 3 months and saying stuff like "awww I cant bend over to grab that, can you get it?" and the "can you help me up"... LOL

    i dont remember being that dramatic til I got to the hospital to push...LOL

  7. Maybe she's just really excited about being pregnant and she's trying to relate everything to her pregnancy so that people will talk about it =]

    I was really excited when I was pregnant, too! If she's not actually *complaining* about anything and just kinda mentioning it (every chance she gets! :) .. it just means she's excited. (because of course at 2 months it wouldn't prevent her from shaving .. and she wouldn't feel the baby kick; those things don't happen until 2nd trimester for kicking and *usually* 3rd trimester for the shaving :)

    Don't be annoyed, just be happy for her! It's her first baby and she's probably really excited!!

  8. I didn't do that when i was pregnant but i loved being pregnant so i did see it as a burden. My best friend on the other hand did that and it drove me CRAZY. She acted like she knew EVERY thing when it comes to children and complained that she couldn't do anything ever. It drove me crazy. She didn't work at the time and just sat at home. I was a full time student taking 18 credits and my husband was 2 hours away. Now im not a seasoned mom but mothers who do do that made me mad. I think the first time i really asked for help was when i was 8 month pregnant and i couldn't tie my winter boots so my husband had to lol. I still picked things up off the floor at that time as well and did everything I could, that my doc said was ok.

  9. LOL Drives me nuts!!! One of my friends found out she was preg at 5 wks. that day she told me she could feel the baby. like with her hands. i so wanted say...well u might wanna get that checked out lol. and with the whole im starving im starving im starving c**p. like thats the only thing that pregnant women worry about lol.  

  10. They should burn every copy of that d**n "What to Expect" book! LoL.

  11. They should write in those pregnancy books to look out for the" first time mom attention craving syndrome".

  12. Yeah, must be her first... And if not thats sad..

    A lot of people who dont get much attention are like that.

    Ive been on bed rest for 3 weeks now... And I still dont ask people to do things for me or anything like that. Although I am 38 almost 39 weeks preggo.. And just recently I cant shave.. Hmmm is she a bigger gal? Because at 2 months I was still at the driving range, bowling with friends etc... All the way until about 7 1/2 months I didnt slow down. ANd thats because I have toxemia.. Let her know to save her sob stories until something is wrong or she is 8 months... We all go through it.

  13. Must be very irritating right?

    Guess it's her first time getting pregnant so that's why she so excited.

    Maybe you can tell her that you are happy for her but all these make you uncomfortable. Just tell her you've been there thrice!

    Or just ignore her, soon she'll stop when she realises nobody else bothers.

  14. My cousin did that.  I felt like she was trying to make being pregnant a competition.  It bothered me sooo much.

    Oh, sorry... I'm not a seasoned mom, but I can relate. :)

  15. I know what you mean. I just smile and ignore it when it gets to be too much to handle. I think everyone has some degree of this at one point or another, especially in a first pregnancy.  

  16. yes I didn't show till I was about 4 and a half months and I have a girlfriend that is the same amount of weeks pregnancy wise as I am and as soon as she found out she was preggo she packed on 20 pounds and started saying she could feel the baby moving. she was only in her second month. It drove me nuts and I just wanted to strangle her.  

  17. LMAO,

    That is so funny but it happens to so many moms, they have to make a fuss over nothing!

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