
Question for the TOYOTA haters???

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Answer these few short questions

1. Where did they say that they took some things away from TOYOTA in the Sprint cup series

2. Do you really want TOYOTA to be equal with Chevy or at a disadvantage? That way Jr might win every now and then?

3. Did you cry like a baby last year when Chevy won it all?

4. Have you noticed Kyle Busch is the only Toyota dominating and his JGR teammates are lower in points than last year?

5. Will you cry every time TOYOTA wins even if NASCAR took 50 hp away just because you hate TOYOTA?

6. Are you able to admit that Kyle Busch is a GREAT driver, and possibly better than your own?

7. If Kyle Busch wins the championship will you cry about that?

Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. I just need to know the thought process of some people




  1. that's far too many questions for most toyota haters - most still believe that that the cup series cars were affected by the new "stricter restrictor" in the nationwide series, no matter how many times you try to tell them otherwise. and xenophobes (word of the month) are very "change-resistant" by nature. good luck on "curing" them though...

  2. 1. Believe the horsepower

    2. They are equal, just put more money into the COT, got the setup right and are winning, people are having a cow, JR is overated

    3. NO

    4. Yeah, but Hamlin is not as courageous as last year and Stewart has alot on his plate, there will be movement

    5. Why cry? Nascar is wrong. Would you make Tiger Woods play with different clubs if he won all the time and was constantly good? No, so nascar is wrong

    6. Kyle Busch isn't great, just ok, he has a car/team/balls and is driving the heck out of it this year

    7. NO, cause he should

  3. 1)  I have never said that they did.

    2)  As equal as NASCAR can get them, there have to be some tolerances.

    3)  No, but all of YOU guys did.

    4)  That is not true, Denny and Smoke have led a ton of laps and would have both won more races if not for tire or mechanical malfunctions.  They have dominated during a lot of races and just not got the finishes that they should have.

    5)  No and NASCAR won't do that anyway.

    6)  He is a GREAT driver but not better than my favorite.  When he wins back to back championships and is contending for his 3rd in a row we can talk about it THEN!

    7) No, if he hangs on during those last 10 races he will have earned it like any driver that does that.  When he came up from the Busch Series I told people he was more talented than his older brother.

    You are welcome, not all people that dislike Kyle have their heads stuck in the sand.  There are a few drivers I don't care for but that does not mean I don't respect them and realize how great of drivers they are.  I have also never accused Toyota of cheating, just that they DO have a horsepower advantage.

    3 STR8 N 08!!!

  4. 1. Huh?


    3.No. Huh?

    4.What, huh?

    5.nope, huh?

    6.Yep, huh?

    7.Nope, huh?

  5. 1. They DIDNT

    2. I think they should get any advantage they can as long as it is within the rules, and it is. Chevy/ford/dodge have done it in the past, so whats wrong with Toyota doing it

    3. I didnt like it but I wasnt sending Nascar dirty messages in order to get htem to reduce hp

    4. Yes I have. Kyle Busch is a great driver for all the people above me said he wasnt (goes for the win every race, aggressive, knows how to get to the front, hates to lose, fire in his stomach). Pay attantion to his career and you would see that even at 18 he won some truck races and stuff and he is hustling all that talent together now

    5. NO and im not crying now. THe only thing Im crying about is that NASCAR penalized toyota for doing what they were supposed to do---and within the rules. For all I know Chevy has an hp advantage in cup again this year but Kyle has outdrove them 7 times. with out him Toyota would be last in the mfg points like last year. but they got him and they are tops...all because of 1 driver.

    6. Yes I am.

    7. No he has worked his @$$ off and the success he has is rightfully his.

  6. 1)I think they were in the mens bathroom at the Twin Cities International Airport when they said that. They were like doing some hand signals under the stalls or something like that.

    2) Yes

    3) No, I just sat there petting my lap dog.

    4) Yes, and I also noticed Kyle tries a little harder too

    5) No, but I already shed a tear for Kyle Busch for wrecking his fun.

    6) Yes, He also looks very hot in pink & purple.

    7) I'll be too busy petting my lap dog

  7. 1. Nothing was taken away from them at the Cup level.

    2. Yes they need to be closer to equal then they are, but not how it was done in the Nationwide Series, other makers just need to step it up.

    3. I am a huge Chevy fan, haven't driven anything but Chevy or Dodge but certainly didn't cry over Chevy winning it last year.

    4. Kyle is the driver this year if history tells us anything that dominance usually doesn't carry to the next year, ask Newman, Kahne, Gordon and Johnson. The kid has skills not saying he won't win next year and beyond but probably not like this, it also doesn't mean a championship either but he is on the right path.

    5. I admit I was against the Toyota thing at first but they have grown on me, just seeing the difference in a year for how all the Toyota teams have improved says tons about how serious Toyota is. I will take my plate of crow now.

    6. Kyle is a good driver with lots more potential, as he matures and learns to drive within his limits and racing the odds (diving under someone and driving too deep into the corner then getting lose....when to go for it and when to back it down as an example), 2nd is better than deep in the 30's or further back. Then watch out.

    7. IF he wins, it will be well deserved this year, he has won on a road course and others that aren't cookie cutter tracks. I'd say he is on the right track this year for sure.

    I am a Ryan Newman fan!

    As for the person who mentioned about cars being built in Canada by chevy, ford and are Toyotas....probably more Toyotas than either of the other 3. The other 3 have closed plants/factories while Toyota expands.

    The Ponitac Wave/Chevy Aveo are made in Asia, and others you wouldn't think of too, I worked at a Chevy dealer bringing cars off the haulers so I got to see where stuff comes from.

  8. From a non-Toyota hater, I fully support Toyota and their ventures into NASCAR.  I believe that it is good for the sport to have more parody.  Toyota works really hard to do whatever they can.  And yes, I definitely agree with you in the fact that it is not Toyota that is dominating, but it is Joe Gibbs Racing.  Next, I was ecstatic when Chevy won it all last year because I am Junior fan.  I have to admit that Kyle Busch is good but he can't prove that he is great until he has multiple championships and can have this type of season for most of the forthcoming years.  And I will cry about Kyle Busch winning the championship because I am not a fan of Kyle Busch anyway.  I feel that he is too aggressive and does not know when to calm it down...that will come with time.  

    P.S.  -  Some people's thought process doesn't need to be examined because they are stupid and/or ignorant anyway.  Those that hate Toyota because it is a foreign make for instance.  Toyota makes most of their cars sold in America, IN America.  Not like Chevy where those are made in Canada/Mexico, and Ford's in Mexico.  Toyota is as much American as Chevy, Ford, or even Dodge is that was owned by a German company for the longest time.

    Thanks for your time for reading my response no matter how long winded it is.

  9. I just want see the faces of anti Toyota idiots when GM is bought out by Japanese company.  Jr will be driving a Impalese sponsor by a rice company

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