
Question for volleyball lovers?!?

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hi.. so im 15(girl) and i play volleyball. well i love volleyball!

anyways, im from a small town, so we don't have club volleyball. so, our season is about from september to november. anyways, i was just wondering what i could do that would kind of quench my volleyball craving.. it's a weird analogy i know, but it's all i could think of! i plan on volleyball camps for the summer, but i'm also sort of layed up right now due to knee surgery. what are some things i could do that are related to volleyball? thanks! i really appreciate it! and i'll definately pick best answer, and read all answers, so give me as many ideas as you can! thanks so much!




  1. i live in  a small town as well. so i got to this club thqa tis about an hour and a half away. its an inconvieniece but tis worth it. some drills that i do at home or outside are: lying down on my stomach, then throwing the ball hard down onto the groung, getting up then hitting the ball about 5-10 feet infront of you then run down to catch it. also do pepper against the wall and come up wit hsome drills that can really help you... als owork on rolling, by doing a slow motion dive with the correct footing and then d othe propper roll!

        good luch... hope your knee gets better soon!!

  2. First off, sorry about your knee...make sure you really hit your rehab hard so you'll come back 100%.

    Next, I wouldn't reccommend club volleyball for several reasons.  First, if you're from a small town you're most likely a 3-4 sport athlete.  It's hard enough to do one sport at a time, two at a time will exhaust you.  Second, club takes a lot of time without living in a seperate town, and time means lower focus on school work and less time for yourself.  I'm from Wyoming (which basically means NO club teams) and I had to drive over an hour to play club for practice 3 times a week, plus drive down for games/tournaments/meetings.  I opted not to play for that reason alone.  Third, playing volleyball all year will burn you out.  I've know many girls at the college level that got there and decided they no longer enjoyed the sport because they'd played it all year for the last 8 years.  

    However, there are some ways you can still play in the off season without getting burned out.  Talk to your coach about open gyms.  They're a great chance to get in and play without having the stress of a win/loss record.  Also, if you're located around several other small towns, you can contact their coach and see if the girls want to start an open gym club.  Basically each school picks a day (usually a saturday) and the other teams come and you hold a simple round robbin tournament so everyone gets in some playing time.  This works extremely well becase you'll be playing with your teammates, building better bonds and wont have to make such long trips.  

    Finally, summer camps are great!  If you weren't out right now with knee surgery, there are many places that start camps in March/April for just 1-2 days.  These are usually position specific and are great for fixing the volleyball craving.  There are also many camps out there that will come to your school and do camps there (usually 4 days).  You can ask your coach about those as well. (I know it sounds pricey, but I' actually a camp clinician for those kinds of camps and it's much cheaper than going somewhere!)  

    Good luck!

  3. Ouch you don't have club? Well maybe you can do private lessons with a good coach or if your willing, try another city.

    You could also do some conditioning and try to heal your knee.

    I hope this helps.


  4. I completley understand where you are comming from, i also live in a small town and we don't have clubs either, however my school is getting rid of volleyball so im not sure what i will do in the fall, but as for me i get together with some friends and we go play beach volleyball with each other, we have a sand pit at our local park, but you could also go to a local lake and play there.

    Good luck with everything, hope ur knee heals :)

  5. well the best thing to do would be get involved in a club program    around your town. they have them all around so depending where you live you can find one in the nearest city or whatever. the best thing is to just play in the offseason! i know how you feel with the crave thing hahah you should also see if you can manage your schools guys team ...that will get you involved alot. hope this helped :)

  6. I play volleyball as well. And I deal with the same problem. lol. What I like to do, and believe me, it helps as well, is whenever you cant help but do something active, is go outside with a volleyball, and practice volleying, serving, or whatever gets you pumped up for the season. I do it almost every day during the season and in the summer. You actually see a difference in your skill level. Just hit a ball against the side of your house and something, anything like that will work. Just try to stay in shape, and practice while having fun.

  7. If there are community centers around where you live, pop by to see if they have volleyball drop-ins.

  8. Purchase a cheap practice volleyball, and use it outside anywhere on any surface.  Practice by yourself against a wall - say spikes as such...

    Get together with friends, or anyone wanting volleyball practice - and do it outside - dig, set and spike at each other, without a net.  Regular practice like this, would get your skills up to a decent standard in no time.

    Find a gym somewhere you can use - and set up a regular volleyball night (or whatever) - if you can set up more than one court? Then get a mini-league going.

    Some churches may play volleyball regularly? Check that out...  They may be interested in playing volleyball with others...

    Get your parents involved, to help you out, or older brothers and sisters, etc.  You could start up some kind of small business? with a social volleyball draw? If you can make a small profit - this can be used to plan regular volleyball nights - and people can just get together for some fun...

  9. you can get willing parents and kids to kind of start a mini legue and challenge other teams. yall could like make team and give them names and order uniforms and stuff and go to gyms and have games. of course though to be able to get a uniform u have to pay an entree fee. or u could do a different sport such as basketball, usually if u like volleyball u'd like basket ball, or u could do softball

  10. I have been in your situation (knee surgery) i played club but i had to sit out for a JO season anyway lay down on your back and set to yourself even if you're not a setter thats the best thing if you're totally out of commission if you can stand or once you can just pass to yourself just practice making consistent contact with the ball eventually when you can start hitting against the wall if you do it correctly you shouldn't have to move to much best of luck with your recovery and good luck next season!!

  11. What i do during the winter, when i can't play outside, is lay down on my bed and practice setting, trust me it helps alot!

  12. ouch knee surgery!

    ok you should find a wall like outside and sit in a folding chair and play pass with yourself on the wall. (if you can stand up GREAT) you could also lay on the ground and set to yourself. thats fun even if you dont have a bad knee. there are so many different things you can do while sitting or standing in one place just be creative!

    hope your knee feels better soon!!!! + hope this helpsss!!!!

  13. i love love love love absolutely positively LOVE VOLLEYBALL!!!!! i can't wait for our area's volleyball season to start again!!! here are some things that i do to quench MY volleyball cravings! you should try some!

    1. try joining volleyball clubs or something in a larger town around you. since you live in a small town (just like me) and your town doesn't have any clubs to join, then join a club in a nearby town!

    2. ask your coach (the one that coaches you from september to november) if she/he has any good ideas about a way for you to play volleyball even after the season is over. maybe she/he knows that somebody is holding volleyball practices right now!

    3. hibbit sports, academy, the local sports store, EVEN WAL-MART all have volleyballs, which cost a little less than $15. go buy a volleyball. then take it to a local park, your front/back yard, or a friend's house and just practice serving, bumping, setting, and spiking to yourself, against a wall, or with a partner!

    3. get your fellow volleyball-lovers together (call them or talk to them at school) once a week or something like that and practice together! have one person bring a ball and just bump, set, spike, and serve to each other. practice like you would during the volleyball season! it's just as fun!

    4. if you play in a yard or at the park (any place without a court), then mark the places (with twigs, paint, a line dug into the ground, etc.) where the out lines would be, where the net would be, etc. use a measuring tape to measure how far it is from the net to the attack line, from the net to the out lines, etc. (search the lengths of these on the internet, on or or something like that.)

    i really really REALLY hope that these tips help you! good luck on quenching your craving! (ha ha ha! good analogy by the way!) =-D

    ---from one volleyball lover to another

  14. okay well im 12....i play for my school and for a club=] and im an outside hitter=] i love<3 volleyball too but anyways go outside and practice when ur not in a norm. season and yeah cheak out summer camps!!! i practice all the time=] and anyways i do like 4 diff summer cams too!!!! well yeah that is all i mean i play volleyball in my house=] hahaa but i get in trouble!!!  and is there a town near u with club volleyball?? if it is like 30 mins or closer i might considder it!!! i live in a big town with like 12 diff teams i could play on so i dont have that prob but good luck anyways......and if u like any other sports play them i also swim and play basketball just stay actiive so ur ready to move during ur volleyball season!!!


  15. u should set to ur self while sitting on the helps strengthen the muscles in ur hands, wrists, and arms

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