
Question/idea about search for bigfoot..?

by  |  earlier

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They have done 700 expiditions to find bigfoot throughout the world ya know, but they always just get a team of people, set up pheremone chips of some sort, and send bloodhounds into the swamp... well, for something as supposedly elusive as sasquatch, that seems rediculously un prepared right?

it does to me.



and this would work i think, (although maybe $$)

why dont they just methodically fly over the area in question, The everglades for intance, day and night with inferred cameras..

a giant ape would not be able to hide anywhere in conditions like that.

with a rotating search pattern, they could completely search out all living warmblooded life in any area in a short order of time.

Hypothetically, they find something suspicious, apelike, whatever... Then they can in theory tranq it from the air, and have people repel into the thickest most inaccesible areas of most anywehre in the world.

It is guarenteed that if they took this approach they could without a doubt confirm or deny its existance one area at a time anywehre in the world..

Do you agree?

anything else they havent thought of?




  1. I watched a recent tv show where they did have a small radio-controlled helicopter with inferred cameras, but they had no luck in spotting him. . .

    They'll keep trying until they do . . .or prove he doesn't exist.

  2. grow up  

  3. I think they are concerned they will mistake it for a bear.

  4. Most sightings of the yeti and his Asian counterpart were in two places. North eastern Canada (Around Greenland) or in the Himalayan Mountains.

    I noticed that, not by hearing it through someone, but by reading the stories. I noticed most of them occurred in those two areas. Could it all just be a coincidence or did one person start a lie that hundreds of others decided to copy?

  5. Yeah, and we're still trying to find santa clause in the north pole

  6. There is no such thing as bigfoot. It's just a legend. When you find bigfoot that will be the day I will blow fire out of my a$$

  7. This isn't a question.

    It's a soliloquy.

  8. my uncle has a big foot

  9. I think that your idea would work and seems very thought out..

    But I dont believe in Bigfoot.

    Its all a hoax I think...

  10. they probly have thought of doing that but then if they did that then all these theory's that go on will not anymore it will be over and then no one would be able to get money lol they dont want us to kno if its real or not they want it to be like this they do this about alot of things if you hadnt noticed

  11. i dont think the government wud want ppl 2 kno abt sumthn that big. theyre afraid that we will all freak out and start thinking if theres one there must be hundreds, and they dnt wana deal with that.  

  12. cost too much, and one more thing big foot might not even exist lol.

  13. i dont think the goverments should be lookin for it in the first place

  14. i actualy beleeve in big foot alot

    and that makes alot of sense

    but if they did that and didnt find anything

    it woudl kill the idea of big foot

    and i think some people just like to dream

    u know what i mean????

  15. there are a lot of campers and bears in those woods the infrared cameras would pick up  

  16. of course that would work, ... thats why nobody's done it. if bigfoot is real, so is the tooth fairy, the first ammendment, and the little mermaid =/

    ... .. . achoo! =/      =|

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