
Question of a slightly adult nature......?

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Has s*x always been a private act for people or did that start with Christianity? Are there cultures where people just did it whenever and where ever the fancy struck them? I'm talking about modern humans over the past 150,000 years or so.




  1. For the majority of human history s*x was viewed as a normal healthy pleasurable activity.

  2. s*x was not private if u read human history. It was like a game in old times. 'KAMASUTRA' describes all about it. Men & women enjoyed it like other sports. You sud know that God concept came after s*x concept. Then only we made it private.

  3. yes it was the Egyptians, Romans, Aztec, and mynas all did that. but the Greeks were the most known for that and Christianity didn't start until King James dismissed people from the religion because he didn't find them worthy of being catholic

  4. I believe that before the church told everyone s*x was a sin, everyone pretty well did what they wanted.

  5. The Pagan religion was very sexual. The holiday "May Day" was marked by a three day s*x fest where women were allowed to choose their own mate.

  6. The Romans were quite open with s*x. they were known for having orgies.

  7. Yeah, the ancient Greeks and Romans practiced public orgy's.

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