
Question of our future?

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I am a student of our future, I watch and read about the up comming election, I am trying to do the right thing and vote for the true right choice for president. How do we know !? and what is to become if Obama is voted into office?




  1. Have you ever been able to see the future before? No. But, based on person's history and behavior, we can make assumptions as to their next move, like in criminology. In this election, we only have two choices: 1. Bad 2. Worse. I'm voting for the person who will hurt this government, economy, and me the least. I strongly believe that that person is McCain

  2. you can try to study the future, but that doesn't mean you can get enough info to always make the right choice. We all have to make the best selection we can.


    you might want to learn about people called "futurist" or futurists

  3. Why don't you ask what is to become if McCain is voted into office? It would be like 4 more years of Bush or 4 more years of Clinton. When were you better off? I know who I'm voting for.

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