
Question on Islam and Miracles?

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According to Islam, do miracles still occur today? I.e. healings, prophecy, angelic visitations, supernatural finances, etc, etc.

Thank you

PS: Please dont write that god does not exist




  1. Even during the time of the prophet,if you read his biography you'll note that he himself never performed any miracles.Islam is founded on reasoning and rational thought and the belief that man can know God through his.God works through science and physics etc.

    As far as present day miracles go,it depends on what you call miracles.We believe that magic exist because jinns exist and that interaction with them produces "supernatural illusions".Since that cannot (yet) be explained by science then what those people do could be called miraculous.

    As for prophecy.Muhammad was the Khatam an nabiyyah,or seal of prophethood. Prophecy has been divided among the people in the form of dreams.So sometimes youll dream something and it will come true later.that is prophesy.

    Angelic visitations are constant as when a person dies,there is an angel present to take his soul and people are sying all the time.

    As for supernatural healing,Allahualim.Sometimes the doctor says one month to live and then the patient lives a decade.That is a modern miracle through science and the mind,and just maybe the intervention of God.

  2. not really. muhammed was the last prophet.

  3. Prophecy does not happen any more, since Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was the last prophet.

    However, any of the others are always possible since Allah (God) can do anything.  People are often seeing Angels when in danger or at the time of death.  The Living Imam Mehdi (pbuh) is often seen, especially on Hajj.  A number of Prophets (pbut) and Imams (pbut) are seen in dreams as well.

  4. Miracles are proof from God to the messengers to show to people that they have a message from God. So, no, miracles stopped, but we have one living Miracle, that is the Quran.

    And it is interesting that in last few decades, the miracles of the Quran has been opened all over again and been a source of inspiration for many scientists, even non-muslims.

    When, we go towards the end of days, there will be the extra-ordinary again. Anti-Christ, Mahdi ...etc.

    In between, it is very rare that things will happen, but they still do. They call it "Karramah" that is for the very good people.

    But, things can happen to normal people too. There is a famous story of a moroccon girl who had cancer, and doctors said she will be dead in few months. She went to makkah, for spiritial support, and washed herself with zamzam water with a lot of deep honest prayers. When she visited the doctor again the cancer was cleared.

    There are so much stories similar to this one.

    There is a hadeeth about the prophet

    "cure your patients by charity"

    if you go through it, you hear strange stories (from these days). Personally, I know a relative who got such a true story.

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