
Question on Obama and McCain?

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Just curious....what are the negatives about the candidate that you do not like? Don't want to hear why you like one, but why you don't like the other. I'm curious about the differences in answers......




  1. I will not be voting for Senator Obama.  The reasons are as follows:

    1. The main reason is that I am a moderate - he is very far left.  I disagree with his positions on most major issues facing America today.

    2. I don't think that someone who has served only 2 years in the US Senate has enough experience to be President

    3. He has shown questionable judgment with many of his friends and advisers including William Ayers (a terrorist with the Weather Underground who bombed the Pentagon and said he wished he had done more damage to America), Tony Rezko (a prime Obama contributor and fund-raiser for the Illinois Democratic Party who was indicted on fraud and bribery charges in 2008), Rev. Wright (who said we are the "US of KKK America," "G-D America" and more).

    4. He has shown contempt for our troops by canceling a visit to wounded troops in a hospital in Germany when he found out that he couldn't take the media cameras with him.  So what did he do instead?  He took the cameras with him to work out and shake hands with people in the fitness center at The Ritz.  

    That said, if he is elected, I will certainly hope for the best and give him my support and all the respect that is due to any President of the United States.

  2. McCain voted with Bush 95% of the time, he is the same as Bush and that is why I would never vote for him.  

    Obama is also not what I'm looking for in a president but he would be WAY better than McCain.  

    I am a big Ron Paul supporter and most likely will write his name in when I vote.  He is the only one that would be able to fix the problems in this country now.

  3. McCain is old and used-up

    Obama is a tool

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