
Question on RNS turtles?

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my co worker is thinking about about getting a 2nd turtle. The problem is that the one she already is a carrier of RNS aka runny nose syndrome. Provided that the 2 do not share a tank and the owners tend to wash hands in between handling them, is there still going to be a HUGE RISK of the new turtle getting sick




  1. if the environment is kept at the proper standards (uv bulb, water heater kept at 80, basking dock, and a frequently cleaned tank)and no contact in anyway is between the turtle (handling, cleaning tanks, etc) then you should be fine.  

    "rna"  is most likely a respiratory infection and should be treated immediantly by a vet.  if left untreated it will be fatal.

  2. Definitely. Tell your co worker putting a turtle in with your sick turtle will get it sick. Putting the other turtle in a separate cage would be necessary so it wouldn't get sick.

  3. I own many turtles.  I've read many a book, and many a site, and never read anywhere of an ailment designated as "RNS."

    They should be fine, provided they are kept in separate tanks (and separate rooms would be a good idea), and hands are well washed between handling the two.

    But your friends need to take the "RNS" sufferer to the vet to be checked for a respiratory infection.  Knowing nothing about UVB, diet, heat, etc. conditions this turtle is receiving, it's impossible to guess what the cause might be.

    But "RNS" is not normal for a turtle, and it needs to see a vet.

    If you don’t already know of a qualified exotics/reptile vet in your area, google: “Herpetological Society” -or-  for the one closest to you.

    I hope this has been helpful.

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