
Question on becoming 18?

by  |  earlier

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I know at 18 your are officially considered an adult, so at 18 I could rent out an appartment or condo?




  1. Yes you can

  2. yeah if u have the money..

    but they may do a credit check if so u probably wouldn't get it without a co signer cause u don't have any established credit yet.

  3. yes, but they might expect you to have a certain income level like they might ask that you make 3 times as much of the amount you pay for rent. you may have to give a deposit, and if you get a roommate make sure they are responsible and can pay and make sure that both your names are on the lease, so that if they leave they cant stick you with the rent, and so that if your name is on the lease the roommate cant just kick u out. also, you can make arrangements with the apartment complex in writing, say for instance you get a roommate and they leave you can arrange to be let out of the lease if that happens, some apartments might do this. read all the info you can about getting an apartment, so that you can ask the right questions and so that u dont get stuck with a roach infested apartment or something. good luck.

  4. Yes you can.

  5. Sure -- how are you going to pay for it?  The trick is getting someone to rent it to you, if you don't have a job or any discernable source of income.  Many nice apartments run credit checks on people, to make sure they can/will pay their rent, and they check your employment.  If it's a choice between renting to you, who might be working at McDonald's 3 nights a week, and renting to someone who works full-time as a secretary somewhere, you aren't gong to get the apartment.  

  6. Yeah if you have enough money

  7. yea pritty muchh

  8. can also go to jail for something you use to get a lecture for. Sucks i know.

  9. yes,

    but only if you have a good credit history.

    get a credit co-signer first.

  10. yea

  11. Yeah, as long as you follow all their other rules.  

  12. ok lets c what i can provide (i am now 22)

    I graduated 04 and i was 18. i was driving of course, u can legally smoke now. if u become a "criminal" you will be prosecuted as an adult which is a terrible way to go. You can rent apartments but not cars. cars you must be at least 25 in most cases. i rented my first apt. at 18 but my dad co-signed cause it was my first one and they had no reason to trust an 18 yr. old. but after that first lease i was good to go rent wherever else i wanted to so long as i have a job and an income. you can get a cell phone contract (which i do not advise) i have t-mobile but it isn't a contract one. try to stay away from contracts unless of course it is for a car or home(apt) you can purchase a car but they will just laugh unless you have cash and a lot of it. my suggestions to start your credit going is to get a gas card and get only gas and at the end of the month you pay it off. that slowly builds great credit. you would get gas anyways so try with the card method.  any other questions feel free to email me. get a nice part-time job and try to go to college or a trade school at least and about the wisdom teeth thing mine started growing in at 18 and they are still coming, slowly it sucks!! but i am not going to get them removed unless i need to. As of right now I have been at the same 11per hour job and apt. complex for 4 years and I own a 2007 Jeep Wrangler(just approved yesterday!) so it's all good.  congratz!

  13. And you could smoke cigarettes!  May i suggest menthols?

  14. yes as long as you can afford it.

  15. probably. if u have the money. some colleges dont let freshmen stay in apartments tho (if u r in college)

  16. yes, assuming you meet all of the other rwquirements

  17. Yeah but i think you need to have a co signer.

  18. pretty much, yeah. but there are other things involved too.

  19. Yes, you might need a cosigner though if you don't have any credit.

  20. You will probably need a co-signer because if you just turned 18 you have no credit.

  21. yeah. just hope that your wisdom teeth grow in right in your early twenties.

  22. If you have the money.

  23. yes you can if you have a good job and if you can afford it.

  24. Yep that's how things work.

    You're a big boy now.

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