
Question on criminal trespass please help.

by  |  earlier

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So the other night, me and my friends were caught at a old abandoned hospital, and there was a man there and he chased me into the street, note, off the hospital grounds, and called the cops on me.i tried running, but he pulled out a pair of needle nose pliers, and threatened to stab me if i moved.( my friends got away, and did witness him with the pliers out, and aimed at me.) then once the police arrived, they arrested me and charged me with criminal trespass, I have yet to go to court... but considering that the man, threatened to stab me, OFF the hospital grounds, and it was his property, will that help me at all in court?

i was charged with " CRIMINAL TRESPASS" and in all honesty, I really thought I was going to die... He even lunged at me with them when I tried walking past him...

please help =\




  1. criminal trespass in a low misdemeanor and you'd get probation if anything at all.

    Press charges against the guy. although if it was his property and you were inside his house, which i'm guessing it was a business because you weren't charged with a burglary, he had every right to protect his property and could have killed you.

    Depends on your citizen's arrest laws and if he was trying to subdue you until the police got there. Although, if the guy was holding you at bay until the police got there, the police had to see what was going on.

  2. So you were messing about in an abandoned hospital! Doesn't sound abandoned to me if there was a man on the premises! A night watchman? or a bum!?? Must not have been cos he had a cell phone! Forget the witnesses, cos they were as guilty as you! BUt, if this guy was an the premises as a caretaker when he chased you, I don't think he had any right threatening to stab you with a pair of pliers! All he had to do was yell at you to get out! Reading more, you were OFF the premises when the Police came, and then you say it was his property? NOT on the hospital grounds? This doesn't sound right! When you go to Court, be honest about you guys messing around the hospital, that you are guilty of, but tell the Judge you don't understand why this man threatened you with those pliers when you were actually Off the hospital grounds!? Were you then on the man's property?? And if you were, say you are sorry!

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