
Question on fighting with Martial Arts?

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Alright well I am not trained in any form of Martial Arts. But "saying" I was to get into a fight. I am 15 years old, would another 15 year old who knows karate and is a black belt have that much of an advantage over me? I do practice boxing and hiting but I do not know any of that stuff. I just honestly don't get if I hit him hard enough in the head (which I would probably do at least once) would he even have the ability to use his martial arts training in the fight?




  1. Don't try it. If he's a black belt, he's going to have no trouble beating you. Sorry, but that's just the way it is. You either won't have a chance to hit him, or won't be able to land the blow.

  2. That depends. Most street fights with a trained fighter are over in a few seconds. If you are both standing or rolling around after 30 seconds the fight is just between a couple of unskilled brawlers, or two equally matched martial artist. I train my students to hit hard, and in a street fight to end it as quickly as possible. Fighting as if your life depends on it consumes a lot of energy and if you want to come out on top you need to be in top shape so you have the stamina to give it all and keep on giving.

    I hope that my students never have to test their skills in a real life situation, but in the last 8 years we are good guys 3 bad guys 0. Training hard and realistically is the key

  3. Depends.

    The main thing I like about martial arts are the

    1) confidence boost they provide


    2) the ability to use legs (giving you more reach than the average fighter)

    Of course, it can also make you overly cocky. But martial arts were developed for a reason- to fight. Back when hand to hand fighting on the battle field could result in death. I'd assume that, used properly, it would give you a great advantage.

    Of course, Tae Kwon Do and Karate have become so commercialized they are more like sports than martial arts. I dunno how much they'll help, but they seem to give a slight advantage.

    IF fighting a guy who knows Martial Arts, you can take away his advantage if both of you are close (grappling). So tackle him and take the fight to the ground, where you can punch him out all you like. On the other hand, if you charge him straight on like I once did during sparring, he'll just kick you hard in the gut and you'll go down instantly. Watch the legs...they can move faster than you'd think.

  4. FIRST: Boxing IS a martial art.

    SECOND: Many people train in martial arts without going to a martial arts school.

    THIRD: Many martial arts do not train a person how to respond to a FEINT.

    FOURTH: In a specific situation, ANYTHING can happen.

    FIFTH: The "chances" or "odds" only deal with THE LAWS OF AVERAGES!

  5. Do you practice boxing at a gym, with an instructor or just on your own? Does he go to a good school? (Probably not if he is a Black Belt at 15)

    Too many variables we do not know to say yes you can take him so you can build up your courage and confidence enough to attack him, or start a fight.

  6. Why would anyone give you advice on how to pick a fight?

  7. Not if you tackled him and put him on the ground.....


    Seriously, yes someone with training vs. someone with no training.

    In most cases, person with training will win out.

    15 Year old Blackbelt? Sounds like the product of a McDojo, which means you are about on even par with each others...

    But more importantly why does this matter? There shouldn't be any reason to fight someone at 15, and there is nothing to gain. Being grounded for life while your paren't incur the medical bills of some other kid, or having to have your grades and future suffer while you are on suspension, or possibly getting charged with a crime that stays on your record..

    Honestly, it is way better to make someone look foolish with a quick wit, then trying to get into an altercation. Trust me, you will get way more girls as the funny cool guy, then the jerk off guy who wants to fight people.

    Also at 15, your ability to "hit him hard enough in the head" is probably questionable. Hitting someone in the head isn't as easy as you think when they are sitting there trying to stop you from hitting them, and hitting you back.

    Martial Arts training helps you specifically (amongst other things) to protect you from getting hit in the head.

    So while you have NO training at hitting live resisting moving targets, he at least has some training at keep people from hitting him in the head.

    In all honesty, you should be more worried about getting good grades in school, getting into a good college and having a good future making money. Those guys that fight in school all the time, usually are the ones who end up pumping gas, or spending time in and out of jail.

    Spend more time worrying about the things that matter for later, then instead of beating someone up now, you can laugh at them 15 years from now with your nice car, good job, hot wife, and good life as you see them working in the McDonald's drive thru.

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