
Question on zoology????????

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i want to be a zooligist. im a senior in high school. i know im going to get my batiolors degree in biology but what classes should i take after that.? i want to work at san diego zoo and i alos want to go to school in san diego. which school is the best school for zoology??




  1. People who care for and train animals in zoos are not zoologists.  Zoologists are usually researchers.  There are degree programs in wildlife care and zoo science.  (For example:

  2. the college in california is MOORPARK ...

  3. They have this college in california that my sister wants to go to..she wants to be an animal trainer. I forget what its called but its good.

  4. If you expect to succeed in college, you will have to learn to spell "bachelor."

  5. What kind of work do you want to do at the zoo, zookeeper?

    Some degrees that might be good are:

    Animal Science

    Zoo Science


    Animal Behavior

    Wildlife (care, conservation, education, ecology, etc)

    Animal Management

    Exotic Animal Training and Management (at Moorpark College)

    See the links below for more info

    How do I become an animal keeper?

    There is no single way to become a keeper, but the more education and hands-on experience you have, the better.

    Education– While you’re in school, learn as much as you can in your science classes. In college, choose a degree program in animal-related fields like biology, zoology, botany, ecology, conservation science, or animal behavior. Take as many different courses in those areas as you can, and graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in your chosen field. (Here’s a BIG hint: the competition for jobs caring for animals is so strong that you really HAVE to have a college degree these days to be considered.)

    Hands-on Experience– Find opportunities to work with animals. Some potential keepers have volunteered at our department of Conservation and Research for Endangered Species (CRES), assisting CRES scientists and technicians. Sometimes work-study opportunities are available for college students.

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