
Question to Ahmadiyaa muslims?

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I have a question about mirza ghulam much of what he claimed contradicted what was said in the qur'an. He claimed that Jesus survived the crucifiction and then later on died a natural death, however the Qur'an states that Isa (as) was taken up to allah (swt).

Also he claimed to be the spirit of Isa (as) and also be imam mahdi, when islam considers imam mahdi and Isa (as) as two distinct figures and Isa (as) will descend at the end of time as well as imam mahdi.

So please can you clarify how ahmadiyaas can claim that Mirza Ghulam is Isa (as) and Imam mahdi?

Also the signs that precede the coming of the mahdi haven't how can mirza ghulam be imam mahdi and also the spirit of Isa (As).

Its just that since there's been a lot of questions regarding the ahmadiyaa muslims, i have a few questions regarding the faith which need to be clarified.

Assalamu alaikum wb




  1. You may get answer to a similar question on youtube:

  2. Jazakallah for your questions sister.  They are valid questions and shortly I will provide responses.  However, I may not have enough room to offer everything but I can gladly email you if you wish.  

    Yes, based on the Hadeeth, we understand Messih and Mahdi to be two titles given to the same person.  This is a veiw accepted by severeal well accepted scholars. Also, there are well documented authentic Hadeeth clarifying as such.  While some Hadeeth explain two seperate roles for Mahdi and Messih, others indicate they are one and the same person.  Hence, it is more logical to assume they are the same person and recognize the hadeeth indicating different roles to also be accomplished by the same person.

    Allow me to explain.

    For example.

    The following Hadeeth provide clear evidence that in fact Mahdi and Isa (as) will be two titles held by the same person..

    “It is just possible that he who lives of you might meet Jesus the son of Mary WHO IS THE MAHDI and a just judge. He will break the cross and kill the swine…” (Masnad Ahmad bin Hanbal, Vol. II, p. 411, related by Hazrat Abu Huraira (ra))

    “The Mahdi is NO OTHER than the Messiah.” (Ibn Maja, Kitab-ul-Fitan, Babu Shiddatizzamanni; Mustadrak)

    This above Hadith was narrated by Muhammad bin Khalid Jundi on the authority of Aban bin Saleh who related it on the authority of Hasan Basri who related it on the authority of Hazrat Anas bin Malik (ra) who heard it from the Holy Prophet (saw).

    Ibn Khaldun states, “Ibn Abi Wateel and Shaiba have said that there has been discussion about the Mahdi being the Messiah who would be from the progeny of the Holy Prophet (saw). I would like to say that this view is held by Sufis too. They base their view on the Hadith ‘La Mahdi Illah Isa –There is no Mahdi but Jesus (as)’, meaning Mahdi and Messiah would be from the Ummah of the Holy Prophet (saw).” (Tarikh Ibn Khaldun Vol. I, p. 273)

    “How would it be with you when the son of Mary will descend among you and you will have a leader raised from among you?” (Bukhari, Kitabul-Anbiya, Ch. Nazul Isa bin Maryam, #3449, published by Darus Salam, Riyadh, 1997)

    Hazrat Abu Hurairah (ra) narrarated the Holy Prophet (saw) said, “What will be your situation, when the Son of Mary will descend among you and who will perform the duties of your Imam.” (Muslim, Kitabul Iman Vol. I, p. 137)

    So based on all these hadeeth, it is quite clear that Mahdi and Isa will be two titles given to one person whom Allah will raise from amongst the Muslims themselves.

    As far as Death of Isa (as) goes, this is an answer I gave to another person asking this question.  This is a partial answer but I will add more below.;...

    “And when Allah will say, ‘O Jesus, Son of Mary, didst thou say to men, ‘Take me and my mother for two gods beside Allah?’ He will answer, ‘Holy Art Thou. I could never say that to which I had no right. If I had said it, Thou wouldst have surely known of it. Thou knowest what is in my mind, and I know not what is in Thy mind. It is only Thou Who art the Knower of hidden things. I said nothing to them except that which Thou didst command me – ‘Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord’. And I was a witness over them as long as I remained among them, but since Thou didst cause me to die, Thou, hast been the Watcher over them, and Thou art Witness over all things’” (5:117-118).

    Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) writes, “If anyone can cite a single instance from the Holy Quran or Hadith, or from ancient or modern Arabic poetry and prose, that the word Tawwaffi, when applied to a human being, God being the subject, has been used in any connotation other than death and taking possession of the soul, for instance, in the connotation of the taking the body, I bind myself on oath that I shall pay that person one thousand rupees in cash by selling some of my property and shall always hold him in high esteem as a great scholar of the Holy Qur’an and Hadith.” (Izala-e-Auham, Ruhani Khazain, Vol. III, p. 603)

    Checking every page of Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, Nisa’i, Darimi, Muwatta, and Sharh-us-Sunnah, tawwaffi has been used 346 times and NOT ONCE has the Holy Prophet (saw), a Sahaba, or another human used the word tawwaffi to mean anything other than death.

    Alama Mahmud Shaltut, former Mufti and former Rector of Al-Ahzar University issued a fatwa regarding (5:117-118) in agreement with Jamaat Ahmadiyya’s belief:

    “The last verse relates an incident in the Hereafter when Allah will ask Jesus concerning him and his mother being worshipped in the world and Jesus will reply that he did not say anything to his followers except that which God had commanded him, that is, worship Allah who is your God and my God, and he kept watch over them during the period of his stay among them and that he did not know what they did after Allah caused him to die. The word, tawwaffa, has been used in the Holy Quran in the sense of death so many times that it has become its foremost meaning. This word is used in its different sense only when there is a clear indication as to the other meaning. The word tawwaffaytani in this particular verse primarily means natural death, which is known to everybody. The Arabic-speaking people understand this and only this meaning of the word with reference to the context. Therefore, had there been nothing else to indicate the death of Jesus in this verse, even then it would have been improper and incorrect to state that the Messiah Jesus was alive and not dead. There is no room for the view that the word wafat here means the death of Jesus after his descent from heaven--a view held by some who think that Jesus is still alive in the heaven and would come down from there in latter days. For, this verse clearly denotes the relation of Jesus with his own people and not with other people of latter days. The people of the latter age would admittedly be the followers of Muhammad and not Jesus.” (Al Rislah, Cairo , Vol. X, #465)

    Imam Bukhari has named a chapter “Babo Tawwaffiyo Rasool-ullahi Sallallaho Alaihi wa Salaam,” in which Prophet Muhammad (saw), on the authority of Hazrat Ibn Abbas (ra), has used the same words of Jesus Christ (as) in the above verse to describe his own death.

    “On the day of Qiyamat some people of my Ummat would be taken towards h**l. Then I shall say, ‘O my Lord! These are my companions.’ Then it would be said! ‘Thou don’t know what they innovated after thee’. Then, I shall say as the righteous servant (Jesus) said: ‘I was a witness over them as long as I remained among them, but since Thou didst cause me to die, Thou hast been the Watcher over them."  (Sahih Jami’ Bukhari, Kitabut Tafsir Vol. II p. 889; Vol. III, p. 79; Vol. XI, p. 159)

    Hence, if the Prophet (sa) has died already, only then would he be able to use that verse as surely, when Isa (as) returns, he Will know what his people did.  In the above ayat, Isa (as) is pleading ignornace that he had no idea because he died.  The Prophet (sa) is likening his own fate to that of Isa's(as), i.e. death.  We know the Prophet (sa) was not taken up by any stretch of the imagination when his life ended.  We know that he died.  Hence, either we accept that they both were taken up, or they both died.  Since we know for a fact that Muhammad (sa) has died, the only conclusion we can end with is that Isa (as) too has died.

    Throughout history scholars and mujaddads have agreed that Hazrat Isa (as) has already died a natural death.  I cannot stress enough that this is an incomplete list of proofs.  The proofs from the Qur'an and the Hadeeth are literally dozens and dozens.  I would be more than happy to provide all of them as well.

    love for all, hatred for none

  3. These Ahmadis r going to prove anything and everything they fancy. That's their greatest asset. Using weak hadiths, twisting the interpretations of the other ones as well as the Quran, talking about ambiguous spiritual metaphors, sweet talking people... that 's the best they can do!

    Just like their hypochondriac impostor Mirza Ghulam proved himself a prophet, a mehdi, a messiah, Mary, a mujadad and Jesus, all at once!  

  4. Hypocrites & Kafir - the Ahmadiyya's

    It's a complete BS cult, they have ben labelled Kafir by muslim nations, including Saudi Arabia, whereby if they declare they are an Ahmadiyya they are refused entry to Mecca & Medina for Hajj.


    The Ahmadiyya Cult, requires a AA Membership ££££££££$$$$$$$$$$

    - Quadiani's why does your cult make you pay a membership fee, an AA membership as I like to say, why do you not pay Zakat? and if you fail to keep up with those payments you are kicked out of the cult/Ahmadiyya cult? How weird is that, you have to pay in this 'religion', the hawmarks of a cult!!! - they take payment from their followers {ignorant sheep}

    - Quadiani's why do you not marry muslims, like sunni's, if you do you are kicked out of the cult/Jamaat

    - Quadiani's where is Jesus [pbuh] buried, and why don't the christians know about this?

    - Quadiani's why do you consider all non-Ahmadiyya muslims as 'Kafir', when they pray, state the shahada.

    - Quadiani's why are your 'scholars' hiding from a debate?

    - Quadiani's why do you not translate Mirza Ghulams books into english, so we can read the filth in them and guide you misguided dirty hypocrites?


    A Dire Warning to ALL MUSLIMS

    DO NOT BE FOOLED they are not muslim, they are hypocrites, the prophet warned us against hypocrites, just because they say 'Salaam' 'Juzakallah' or whatever, remember the last Dajjal will be charismatic and convince you to believe he is God.  They are no more of a muslim as a Christian. Do not be deceived by the followers of one of the 30 Dajjal forewarned to us by the Prophet.

    Quadianism attracts the most ignorant men, hypocrites, the worst of the worst are Ahmadiyya's, they can never debate, they run away, I have been to their Julsa's with my dad, they are chicken ****, with no valid arguments, b******s...

    Sorry they make my blood boil, they are more further apart from mainstream islam, as the Christians are...

    May those b******s who split up the Ummah, leading ignorant muslims astray burn in h**l, and abide there for an eternity, and let misfortune follow them in this life.


    They are Working with the Enemy, Setting Up the Ummah for Destruction

    Theses Hypocrites are working for the Dajjal system, as spies on muslims, they say the trouble in the muslim world, constant war is due to our rejection of Mirza Ghulam, I feel like spitting when I say his name.

    Those b******s are with the antichrist/dajjal they are working for them, and there intelligient secret services, against the Ummah.

    As much as the Ahmadiyya l**k the bums of the West, and plan the destruction of the Ummah, remember Allah is the best of planners. Victory will be with the Sunni Muslims.


    Ahmadiyya are the Biggest Cowards on the Face of the Earth

    They are multads, weak and flexible, the Kafir [Jews & Christians] love it, they are cowards who refuse to protect their land, women and children from invading soldiers, they are such cowards according to their belief, they say 'love' no war, well if a soldier is raping your wife repeatedly in front of you, battering your children, and then killing them, murdering the elderly, killing animals, these motherfking Ahmadiyya's will just watch!


    Woe to Mirza Ghulam, may he eat S**t in h**l

    Woe to the Ahmadiyya's, Woe to them all, Woe to Mirza Ghulam and his descendants, may they burn in h**l.

  5. it's very clear  that Imam Mehdi (as) is a different man and Hazrat Essa (as) is a different man . Imam Mehdi is from the Mohammad peace be upon him . If Hazrat ESSA will come back then what about the shariah Mohammadi ?

    question is if  he came to preach again then there is Not his preaching . Prophet Essa Massiah preaching time is over .

    He will come to kill DAJJAL and to tell cristians that he is there and want all CRISTIANS to be Muslims then half  of them will convert and othrer will not after that there will be a battle between muslims and last so called CRISTIANs . and GOD will give victory  to the muslims .

    i have listen that in a programme that was  by DR. shahid masood .

    you can seach his proggramme it's in urdu . and the name of his proggramme was

    end of times

  6. Salam sis,

    I'm not an Ahmadiyya, but some of my closest friends here are. I'm very interested in learning what they think and believe in.

    I'd like to give you the link to a video on their official website. It's called "Islam Ahmadiyyat - Revival of Faith". You can watch it online.

    It made more clear to me in an hour what they believe in and how they see things than all the reading i've done so far did.

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