
Question to teachers?

by Guest21437  |  earlier

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Do you guys get the same hours as your pupils - ie finsh at 3 - 6 weeks holiday during the summer (jealous) - all those half terms

Here in london they are really trying to recruit more teachers - why not mention these fantasic hours in the adverts ? (just saw one on TV) surely that must be one of the biggest avantages of the job




  1. School for the kids here runs from 8:45 - 3:15, with 55 minutes for lunch.  Legally, I have to be at school half an hour before the bell rings and half an hour after dismissal, which puts my minimum hours at 8:15 - 3:45.  I run clubs and/or coach sports 3-4 days a week, depending on the season, so lunch doesn't really happen.  

    I manage to get most of my marking and planning done during free periods (I have 30-40 minutes a day) or before or after school, but I probably work a few hours a week at home - either on marking or planning and preparation.  During report card time, that time is increased, since we aren't given release time to write reports.  That usually blows a week or so of evenings and one or two weekends a term.

    Summers are off, but until recently I spent most of them taking courses, etc.  I do get two weeks at Christmas, a week in March and of course all statutory holidays.

    All in all it's a great job, with very reasonable hours, but most teachers put in more hours than just those that are spent teaching.  I also spend a boatload of my own money to buy resources and supplies.

  2. I am not from England, so we have different hours and holiday. Yes, the hours and the holidays are 'perks' to the job;however, teachers take a lot of work home or some actually stay late or come in early to get all of the work done.  Teaching draws a lot of parents because you can have the same hours and holidays as your child and not worry about babysitters.

  3. Because we have to grade papers at our kitchen tables while we're cooking supper.

    Because we have to grade finals over Christmas break.

    Because we have to continue our education (at our own cost) during that fabulous summer break.


    I work a gazillion hours more than I'm paid for.

  4. In my state, teachers work 186 days a year.  Students go to school 180 days a year.  School starts at 7:45, ends at 2:30. We need to be at work at 7 A.M., tho some of us are at work much earlier (I come in at 6 A.M.)  We can leave at 3, tho some stay long afterwards.  We get off two weeks for Christmas break, one week for spring break, and have various other vacations.  We also have 2 1/2 months off during the summer, but during that time younger teachers often work on their masters degrees, something they must get to work on after teaching for five years or they'll lose their teaching licenses.

  5. Unfortunately no. Our classes are from 7:30 to 4, teachers leave at 4:30 or 5 depending on what time they came in. Students do get an 8 week vacation, teachers get 6 weeks.

  6. My daughter is a graduate teacher in a comprehensive school in England. She starts school at 9am and finishes at 3.30pm.with a half hour coffee break mid-morning and an hour at lunch time. She has exactly the same holidays as the children have, and of course they are paid holidays. She rarely has to stay on after school for anything and she manages to mark the homework etc at school during any free periods that she may have, so does not have to take work home with her.

    She loves her work and is a good teacher,  who really likes children.This is what sets a good teacher apart from the not-so-good, you really have to like children, even the cheeky dis-obedient ones. She considers herself very lucky to have such a wonderful and rewarding job.

  7. i live in UK and work from 8:45 to 3:45. and have the same hols as the kids, only difference is that we work half hour more a day and some days in the hols are staff training days. mainly on fridays during easter and autumn half term.

    it is an advnatage, but by god do we need the hols by the time they come around, and remember we have to plan in the holidays aswell, so it isn't all fun and games.

  8. The six weeks holiday is given to teachers here. We can leave when the kids do but meetings are before and after school. Most teachers have to "work" outside the 8-3pm time grading papers or preparing lessons but it can be done at home.

  9. In the UK teachers dont have bad holidays. They do have to do additional days than the children ie training days.

    I am in school from 8am - 4.30 every day (dont officially need to be).

    I work for a couple of hours most nights and on a Sunday - marking, planning, preparing resources etc, assessment and then all the additional paperwork that the government asks for.

    I also go into school during the holidays to sort out classroom / resources etc.

    The wage isn't bad for certain areas of the country - but the living costs in certain areas esp London is extortionate, you do get an additional allowance but it doesnt go far.  

    My friend (a teacher) lives in the north east, is single and struggles to 'live' - paying her mortgage, and her bills and her mortgage is only £120,000.

    Job is great but there's a LOT of rubbish that goes with it
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