
Questionable Call GIants vs. Dodgers?

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this is why I dont respect dodger fans...




  1. I think the umpire got it wrong. First off, its not fan interference because clearly the fans did not touch it. Meaning, the ball is still in play. The out should have been recorded.

    EDIT: Dont worry about "sonic the jackass", he likes being a jerk when the dodgers barely win. We will stil win the series though. dodgers arent in 1st place so he shouldnt even be talking. Poor delusional kid, he thinks the dodgers are making the playoffs, lol hilarious. Im sure LA has queens of g**s. How many hours did it take you to come up with "San Fagcisco", idiot.

  2. if it helped the dodgers its a great call, j/k, lol. your rght he got it worng but bad calls happen all the time

  3. i think your just sore about your team losing a game because your left fielder cant field for jack and BTW the umpire got it right fred lewis had to reach for the ball that he tossed and let roll BEHIND the wall and out of the field of play

    Edit:haha sonic the jackass how many hours did it take you to come up with that Ryan? i think your just jealous because the San Fagcisco Giants have absolutly no chance this year to make the playoffs nor have even won a series against the Blue this year

    Edit:hey ryan all i have to say is Chad Billingsly COMPLETE GAME SHUTOUT of the Giants so suck it b*tch

    P.S oh yeah and next time you want to be a big man and send me another love letter. atleast use the d**n spell checker half of the message looked like a retarded monkey typed it out

  4. Yeah i dont know about this one either.The fans did not make actual contact with the ball so i wouldnt consider that out of play,but whatever the umpire says goes.

    P.S we would have won anyway :)

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