
Questions???? Just answer please thank you!!??

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What will happen if the sun lines up with the milky way? I heard that it's suppose to happen every 26,000 years. What will happen to us?

What is predicted to happen in 2012?

Why is everyone making prediction about 2012 what's so specil about that year?

What will happen if we live a past 2012?

Will we die (I doubt we would)?

Will we get hurt?

What will happen to the climits?

What will happen to some of the people?

Tell me all that you know about 2012 and what will happen to us if that happened and I know the end the world might not come so you ain't gotta say that.

Thank you.




  1. why dont you just worry about right now and just be blessed that you are on earth and live life to its fullest because you dont even know whats gonna happen tomorrow so dont worry about 2012.

  2. Nothing will happen when the earth lines up with the milky way(I assume you mean other planets lining up with earth) it's happened before, and it will happen again.

    2012 is the predicted end of time, according to the mayan calendar. it ends at 2012 because that is where they ran out of stone. there's probably another stone somewhere continuing the calendar, but no one has found it yet.

    we will continue to live until God says we won't live anymore.

    what will be, will be.

  3. The sun can't line up with the Milky Way, as it's part of the Milky Way.  That's just the name for our galaxy.  We see that band of stars across the sky because we're near the edge of the galaxy, and that's just us looking towards the rest of it.  We're part of that band if you look at the galaxy from another angle, so that's not a concern.

    The 2012 thing has to do with the Mayan calender.  Their calender is pretty complicated, and there are several demarcations of time that continually cycle.  It's kind of like our days, weeks, months, and years.  They also have larger cycles, like our centuries or millenia.  What happens in 2012 is that the really big cycle comes to a close.  I don't think the Mayans were really too clear on what happens next, whether it's supposed to be the end of the world or the dawn of a new era or just another year.  Everyone was excited about a new millenium, but not much really changed.  While it's kind of a nifty thing, I doubt it has much real significance.  The world's end has been predicted countless times over centuries, and we're still around.  And the Maya were cool and all, but I don't really follow their belief system.  I don't think anyone who doesn't needs to be concerned.

    2112 doesn't have any significant, except it's up as our next palindromic year, after 2002, 1991, and 1881, among others.

  4. Your Sun well line up in a parallel position with the center of the milky way Galaxy--your sun well turn dark and green creatures well pop out of your earth---lol just kidding-there wont be enough gravity change any where in this solar system to make anything change--for any reason--

  5. Mayan Prophecy for 2012 – Interview with Bob Makransky

    What is the significance of the Dec. 21, 2012 date in the Mayan calendar, or your intuitive sense of it as a Mayan priest.  There was a program about it on the History channel, referring to the Doomsday in several cultures coinciding on this date.   Is this a passage into a new way of life, rather than an end?  What can you tell people about this fast-approaching date?

    Nothing is going to happen in 2012.  There is no Mayan prophecy about 2012.   In addition to the Chol Qij the Mayans have various other calendar counts of lesser mantic importance.  One of these is the Long Count, which is a continuous count in days since August 9th, 3114 BCE.  The Long Count will reset to zero-zero-zero-zero-zero on December 21, 2012.   But this is just a major calendar change – their equivalent of Y2K – with no more spiritual significance than the change of millenium had for us.   This 2012 thing is being touted by some non-Mayans as a kind of New Age version of the Rapture:  a miraculous transformation of human consciousness which sweeps humanity up into the clouds to escape the coming tribulation.  But things don’t happen that way in real life.  If there is a fundamental transformation in human consciousness, the way it will probably occur is that the environment and civilization will deteriorate over the next few decades.  And then people will draw together and open their hearts to one another, as they do in the face of any natural catastrophe such as an earthquake or flood.  When people lose their faith in the system and start listening to their own hearts is when the system will change.

  6. Nothing unusual will happen in 2012. I have lived through MANY terminal dates. Nothing happens.

    I live in Guatemala about half time. Rural Guatemalans often keep Mayan time called the Tzolkin. It is a cycle that is 13 gods rotated through 20 numbers. It completes every fifty plus years. These cycles add up to ever larger cycles of completion. In 2012 the largest recognized Mayan Calendar cycle will come to completion. It will have taken 26,000 Years. The end of the TunKatun. Mayan time will start over with day one.

    Nothing will happen. The Mayan calendar is an artifact of an almost extinct culture. It is just a belief about time equal to every other belief about time. It is just a bunch of words.

    Our experience of time will continue as always. Time seems to move forward as the future pours through the present to become the past. Finally each individual runs out of future and they die. All of their time has slipped into the past.

    The sun and the planets will continue to operate. They are unaffected by human beliefs. We can be free of the fear being generated about the TunKatun. The TunKatun is a human construct and has no ability to change reality. The day will pass as untroubled as the Millennium day when the century changed seven years ago. Nothing unusual will happen.

    Relax and have fun with it. Tell outrageous stories. Scare the gullible. You now know nothing will happen.

  7. All of that will happen and are hear will stand strait up and we will all run around like a bunch of crazy people wondering what to do.Go crazy folks go crazy.

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