
Questions about Embroidery?

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So I haven't done embroidery for about a couple years and I want to get into it again, but I have forgotten a lot of things about it. I'm trying to refresh my brain. What are the different types of thread used? What are the best brands for thread that aren't expensive? Also, there is this type of stitch that I can't think of. It's used to fill in patterns. I remember that it's simple and all you do is go over and under the fabric. Speaking of fabric, where is the best place to get fabric?

Sorry for all the questions. If there's anymore tips you can give me, please do so.




  1. If you're referring to cross stitch embroidery, here's a good site with basic instructions and how to do stitches:

    As far as thread, it's called "floss".  I always use DMC brand.  The fabric is called Aida and here's a page with a close up picture of it:

    The floss comes in 6 strands, and the Aida cloth comes in different size weaves. For example, 10-count aida cloth has 10 holes per linear inch. The weave of the Aida dictates how many strands of the floss you use.

    You can get the Aida cloth and the floss at WalMart, Joanns, Michaels, and just about any other craft shop.

  2. I usually use DMC which you can find at any craft store.  That is a good place to buy the fabric too.  Sometimes you split the 6 strands into 3 or just 2 or use all six together.  The fill in stitch that you are remembering I call the satin stitch.  You can find all the diagrams and how to make them on the internet.  Just google:  embroidery stitches.  I hadn't embroidered for years and picked it up again pretty quickly.  Hope that helps.

  3. The only type of filling stitch I can think of is called a satin stitch. (the 1 stitch I hate to do, so time consumming). Also the type of floss that can really be found now, unless yo ugo off of ebay, is called DMC. Walmart "used" to sale it, now you can get it off out at any hobby store.

    I will tell you from a bad experience that Janlynn floss is the "worst' floss i have ever used, it unravels alot, breaks off, & when washed the colors "will' run.

    Good luck with getting back in the swing of things.

    I do stamped cross sttiching, & I love it. Im hooked.

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