
Questions about Guatemala...?

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I'm going on a 9 DAY trip end of October. It's a somewhat granola trip (taking a pack w/ all my clothes and moving around from place to place). I hear it's cold starting November...

but isn't it still humid??

I get hot easily so what clothes should I pack???

What shots do I need to get??

How much money (american $$) should I plan on bringing for a 9 day trip (possibly heading to Belize as well)??

Do you suggest renting a car or taking the Chicken Bus everywhere?




  1. Always take the chicken's awesome!!!!Be prepared to be squished.

    Depending on where you are going - it is quite hot and humid in Antigua, Guatemala City and near the ocean, but if you go into the mountains it's much cooler.

    Take your malaria pills.  

    Pack a lot of walking/hiking clothes that wick heat away. Cotton clothes are also good.

  2. It rarely gets cold in Guatemala, and then, only at higher altitudes.  You will need a sweater or light jacket, but you don't need a heavy coat.  In the lowlands/rainforest, it will be hot and humid.  I usually wear shorts and t-shirts when I am down there and only dig out the jacket when we get up in the mountains.

    You shouldn't need any extra shots.

    Money depends on what all you are planning on doing.  You can get rooms fairly cheap and fairly cheap food if you are willing to eat what the locals eat and stay in non americanized hotel.  Then a lot depends on if you are taking tours and other transportation.

    A car isn't a horrible thing to have because it gives you a little more freedom, but I don't think the cost of renting it is worth the little more freedom when considering how cheap the local transportation is.   They have Chicken Busses and even some very nice busses that will get you where you need to go at a fair price and in good time.  For the trip East to Tikal, Rio Dulce, and Belize.  You might try to hook up with one of the nicer busses.  It is a long winding road and the extra comfort is worth the price. Once there, you can take the chicken busses between sites.

  3. As for humidity, it depends on where you go. I spent the fall in the highlands and it was chilly at night and fairly warm in the day. Jeans and a fleece jacket. I also went in late summer to the coast and it was brutally hot and humid. I would bring shorts and tshirts, a pair of jeans and a light jacket. As for shots and meds; heps, malaria if you go to the coast (not necessary for the highlands), tetanus. I think I also got typhoid, but I'm not sure. For 9 days? Guatemala is very cheap....but if you want to have fun (clubs, good restaurants), take a lot of money. There's also gifts to think about. The market in Huehuetenango. I bought two blankets in Momo and spent 100$US.  But they are top quality. As for renting....I wouldnt trust it, I'd take a bus. Very cheap. Have fun.

  4. I'm going by the end of this month and I'm very exited!! it should be fun.

    If you have some kind of Medical Insurance you can call the Travel Adviser and they'll let you know what kind of shots you need I got 4 and some meds for malaria and stuff, if you don't you can go this web page is the best it'll give you all the info you need shots and much more!

  5. If you are passing through Antigua and want to learn a little spanish, I can highly recommend the Don Pedro de Alvarado Spanish School,

    The teachers are wonderful, the staff are courteous and cater to your every need, and the price is right. Have a great trip!

  6. I vote for the chicken buses...although shuttles can be very inexpensive too...I enjoy the chicken buses as I get to meet people and really get to know the culture...but at 6'0" they can be a bit uncomfortable at times...Never really noticed the humidity much but then I am from Houston and have lived in Bangkok so am used to earlier stated dress in layers...I have never taken any shots and I visit almost monthly...Moneywise it is a very inexpensive country...the 40 dollars /day someone answered earlier is a good guide...can be done for less and done for more.

  7. It will be nice and hot at low altitudes, Pac coast, and the Peten jungle.  Places like Antigua, Lake Atitlan, Chichicastenango, Guatemala City, etc will be cooler at night.

    You don't need extra shots.  

    I would recommend neither renting a car, nor chicken busses.  I think the small microbus shuttles run by tourist agencies or the pullman class busses are the way to go. They are quicker and safer (breakdown/accident wise) than chicken busses, and unless you are familiar with Latin American driving, I wouldn't recommend a car.  Plus the shuttles are cheaper in the long run, and you don't have to worry about parking, which can be a hassle.  In addition, the roads are often poorly marked, and getting lost is quite easy.

    I would recommend about $40/day p/p for a comfortable trip, less if you are staying in cheap hostels, more if you like nicer hotels.  You can do it cheaper, but I think vacations are more fun if you aren't pinching pennies the whole time.  $40 allows you to eat out a couple times a day, stay in a decent place, and have a couple drinks at night, plus get some nice souveniers as well.

    Remember, dress in layers, weather can change quickly and you can always tie a light jacket around your waist or throw it in a backpack.

  8. it will be cold but is not too always humid in Guatemala, is tropical, so it might rain a little more then being cold! Money i am not sure what kind of spender you are but dollars will multiply by about 9 Quetzales you will love it, you can buy and eat the best for pretty much nothing

    I would rent a car, actually rent a big truck! clothing jakects, jeans sweaters boots, what parts of Guate you goign as well....

    look is a nice country to spend nine days at..

    make sure if you go there order a TAPADO thats how you pronounce it you will love food promiss

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