
Questions about a diaphragmatic hernia?

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Hi, I had my little girl on the 15th of August and she was born with a diaphragmatic hernia where her intestines were in her lung cavity. I was wondering if anyone knows someone who has had this happen or knows anything about it. Like what are the long term effects like can you still play sports and stuff like that? She has a follow up appointment on the 9th and I plan to ask the surgeon about it but I was just curious if anyone has ever went through it also? Thanks.




  1. jessie, i am actually currently reading on this topic .... and have taken care of a fair amount of newborns with this problem ....

    there is no significant problems in childhood related to surgical intervention .. although depending on the side of the hernia ... they may have some minor diminishment in lung capacity ...

    very few studies have been done on this topic ... and the only study that was completed was a european study that was too small of a population to have any real validity ... and the popoulation study they used had patients receiving ECMO therapy .... which is something we wont even get into .....

    ok ... i digress ...

    yes ... your child should be able to play sports if they have an uncomplicated course through their NICU stay

  2. My son was diagnosed with a diaphragmatic hernia at two months of age.  At two months the hole is his diaphragm became large enough for the intestines to move through and collapse his left lung.  He had surgery a couple of days later, and spent a week in the hospital following the surgery.  he is now two and a half and appears to have no long term effects.  He runs and plays with all of his friends.  We are still watching him for the possibility of asthma ( a possible side effect from the collapsed lung, but also a huge family history of it).  We were in formed that there is a very small chance that in the future if the scar tissue is not strong enough it could reopen.  In his case the hole was small enough to stitch shut.  In some cases they need to use a patch.  If they patch the hole there is an increased chance of it reopening.  The reopening, resulting in another hernia.  The doctor will be able to tell you more once they see the xrays and ct scans.  Long term effects depend greatly on the condition of the lungs.  My thoughts are with your family.  

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