
Questions about about rats?

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Ok i got a rat on friday. and whenever i try to hold he he goes wild then when i pat him while he's in the cage sometimes he lets me and he enjoys it and falls asleep and somtimes he'll borrow in the wood chips and make under ground tunnels i block him for doing it cuz when he does he sneezes i think he'll respitory promblems.

also aare cucumbers good for rats i gave mine some and he ate them all




  1. replace the wood chips! they can cause very serious medical problems(respitory infections). get a kind of paper pulp stuff called carefresh. and for the behaviour problem, how are you picking him up? if you are bringing your hand down on him and clasping your fingers all around his body, he might get the instinct to run and fight because that (unfourtunatly) if how hawks pick them up in the wild. try making sort of a cup with your hands and scoop him up and gently with one finger stroke in between his ears (for mine it seems to soothe them and one of mine is really hyper). also get him a guy friend! he will get lonely and maybe depressed if he isnt socialy stimulated enough. cucumbers are fine for them, mine eat them all the time(along with everything else lol) try even feeding them the dark green skin, i dont think it i anymore heathly than the other part but they seem to enjoy it! good luck with the little guy!!

  2. What type of wood chips are these? Pine and cedar wood chips should never, ever be used. Pine and cedar are softwoods and contain phenols that damage the respiratory system and liver of animals kept on them over time. Aspen is a hardwood and is the only safe wood chip bedding since it does not contain the phenols.

    Why did you get a single rat? If you did your research, you know that rats need to be kept in same s*x pairs and groups.

    I'd recommend getting another rat from a reputable breeder or rescue as pet store rats are often ill or, in the case of females, pregnant. Plus, you don't want to support pet stores and their mills or backyard breeders:

    Always make sure to quarantine a new rat:

    Before doing introductions slowly and on neutral ground:

    Cucumbers are fine for rats. Rats should get fresh veggies daily (peas, corn, bell peppers, kale, romaine lettuce etc.) as they are healthy for them.

    As for him being freaked out, you need to give him more time to adjust. Chances are he's not well socialized if he's from a pet store. He's only been with you for a few days, he may take a while to warm up.

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