
Questions about after Navy basic?

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I am going into the navy as a nuke. I leave Oct 6 and was wondering since I will graduating a few weeks before x-mas will I get anytime home before A school? Also I was told be a dentist that I needed to get my wisdom teeth out urgently over a year ago because of how they were growing in but have not been able to because of a lack of money and I was wondering if that would be a possibility between basic and A school?




  1. You'll have to ask your recruiter or another nuke about the first question. Since nuke school is so long ,I think you should be able to, but that's my opinion.

    As for your wisdom teeth, don't worry, I don't think anyone makes it very long without having them pulled(if you need it or not).

    By the way, congrats on your decision to enter the military. Hold your head high and be proud.

  2. the wisdom teeth will come out while in basic.  EVERYBODY'S come out.

    depending on when you actually finish up Boot, one of two things will happen: they will send you down to Charleston to cool your heels( not being allowed to take leave) until the Christmas Standdown ends.  or they will send you to Charleston and then they say: go away.  be back here on the 2nd.  at htis point you will go in the hole on leave.

    which is no big deal since the NEXT time you'd be permitted to take any is at the end of the Nuke Pipeline anyway.  

  3. It all depends on your command, in a school you usually get the weekends off, if you live close enough you can go home on the weekends. When you get to basic they will give you a full dental exam, if you need it done, they will do it.

  4. You will probally go straight to your A School.

    Then you will be given a chance to take leave, from your A School over X-mas.

    Around 10 days.

    They are not going to do anything about your wisdom teeth, until you get to your first duty station.

    Unless they start causing pain.

    After you get to your first duty station, you will have a dental checkup, where they will then schedule you for any dental work that needs to be done.

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