
Questions about bearded dragons?

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I will probably be getting a bearded dragon soon and have no experience with them. How do you tell their gender (s*x)? What do I need to do in order to assure my beardie's health and fitness and also make it as comfortable as possible? Any other advice will be welcomed.




  1. Ok, this is what you need to know


    ...substrate=calcium sand, reptile carpet, paper towel, newspaper. etc. dish=change water daily, feed crickets, meal worms, veggies, fruits, and can try to get them on pellets

    ...Tank=40 gallon breeder will be good for whole life

    ...Basking spot=something to get the dragon closer to the basking light

    ...Hiding spot=some place for the dragon to hide

    ...LIGHTING=UVA and UVB... UVA is the heat lamp. which is turned on when you get up, and turned off when you go to sleep.. UVB is a long rectangular light that is left on 12 hours a day, its long and white

    ...Thermometer for temperature which should be between 95 and 105 degrees during the day, and around 85 degrees in the night

    ...You need a calcium suppliment, which is in a powder form, and you only need to use it two to three times a week, and you just dust your crickets or mealworms with it.

    I think thats about it.

    It is very hard to s*x a beardie during the younger stages of its life. You need to wait until its about 9 inches long to be able to get a pretty close s*x.

    If you lift up the tail, and right behind its vent (p**p area), there will be lumps. Two oval lumps going verticle means male, and one oval lump going horizontal is female.

    This is what it looks like



    Its fitness will be gained from attacking the crickets, and just being able to run around with you on your bed, outside, etc... Your beardies health will just come with a proper diet.

    Here is a caresheet...

    thats a great one up there. it includes sexing

    Hope this helps!

    I love my beardie

  2. it will take a few months before you can truly tell, but males have what are known as femoral pores along the upper leg (underside). Females don't have the pores. Make sure you keep the tank temps steady once you get them where you want, you let him run around, and give him a good diet and that should make him healthy and happy. One thing- even for a baby stay away from 10 gallon tanks, they don't let your lizard cool off like they need to and he'll outgrow it within a few months. Better to start off big and get a tank divider if necessary which you can move to allow him more space as he needs it. And you won't have to spend money on different size tanks as he grows.

  3. Well, there are a few methods to determine the s*x of your bearded dragon. The simplest method is to invade their privacy and just look. On the underside of their tail, just above the vent, there is typically either a single bulge (or none) or two separated bulges. If you see two clearly separate bulges, you have a male. If you see only one, you probably have a female. There is uncertainty with a single bulge, particularly if there isn't much of one. When beardies are young, they all look like females, but develop clearer signs of gender as they get older. You should be able to tell by time they're 7-8" STL.

    The best way to hold your dragon when making this check is to place your dragon in one hand, perpendicular to your fingers, and facing away from you. Place your thumb over the back to hold them in place. With your other hand lift the tail up to approximately 90 degrees. Be gentle!!! You don't want to hurt your beardie.

    Make their cage as natural as possible, provide heat, water (in a bowl) and food for them.

  4. google bearded dragon care sheet!

    read as much as you can before purchasing one, b/c you should never go into purchasing a reptile without knowing your facts!

  5. this care sheet explains every thing

    Do NOT use loose substrate. When they get 1 year or older you can use play sand but not calci-sand or any other loose substrate because it can cause impaction  

  6. Here are some LOVELY pictures to help you determine the gender of your beardie =D *awkward*

    Just make sure you interact with your beardie a lot (can't stress this enough!), feed it right, and give it the proper environment in its tank. Oh, and make sure it gets its veggies, not just crickets. They love that. Here are a few online care guides. You can also pick up care books at petstores.

    Good luck with your new pal!!! =D

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