
Questions about magic the gathering?

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when i'm playing the magic demo why do i lose points because i have unused mana pool i think that is what its called?

another question i have is lets say i got enough land cards to use 2 or more monster cards can both of them attack or am i only allow to attack with one of them.

i may have more questions on magic later on because i just started learning how to play the game.

i already watched the 6 videos on youtube that tell me how to play the game but i don't think they answered all my questions.

another thing is this game is a little similar the yugioh card game.




  1. In Magic you have to use all the mana on your mana pool at the end of each phase or you will cause 'manaburn'. That prevents each player from carrying mana from one phase to another. Each time you cause manaburn, you will lose 1 life for each unused mana.

    If you have enough mana to cast two creatures, you can do that. However, most creatures will not be able to attack the turn they came into play. This is called 'summoning sickenss'. There are some creatures with an ability called 'haste'. If a creature has haste, it is unaffected by summoning sickness.

    Magic has been arround longer than yu-gi-oh and some of the basic concepts are very similar. However MTG offers more variety and more depth as far as strategy.

  2. helllo

    so if by points you mean life this effect is called "mana burn" you get it when u add mana to your mana pool, by tapping land or any other effect that adds mana... and do not spend it,use it to play spells during the phase u get it,

    if u have mana in your mana pool when u change phases, main to combat or any other the mana caused mana burn  and just goes away,

    2nd. if ur creatures have no summoning sicknes, (have been under ur control tru your unkeep, or have haste) u can attack with as many as u have but unlike yugi they will "tap" and wont be able to defend you

    the main difference is the use of casting costs and additional rules regarding damage, and mana, plus some rules that nobody bothers to explain because they are as basic and  as old as the game has been played, like the "summoning sickness" some people dont even know thats what is called.

    hope this helps and its always good to ave new people joining this awesome game.  

    good luck

  3. 1.)  You lose life for having unused mana in your pool after each phase.  Only tap enough mana for what you are doing.  This is called "mana burn".  Any unused mana burns you for 1 life each.  You only need to tap your lands if you are going to use the mana immediately.

    2.)  Monsters are from YGO, creatures are Magic.  But anyways, when a creature comes into play, it has "summoning sickness" which is different from YGO.  Summoning sickness means that they can't attack or tap by themselves on the turn they come into play.  You can use them to block but that's it.  That is, unless they have Haste.  Then they can tap and attack the turn they come into play.  Once they go through your upkeep step, they lose summoning sickness and can now attack and tap as normal.  Though you have to have a reason to tap a creature.  You just can't tap them for the sake of tapping them.

    Here are some differences between Magic and YGO.

    Magic has to use mana to summon creatures.  If you don't have the mana for it, you can't play it.  (Though there are ways to get around this)

    YGO uses stars and other monsters to summon monsters.  4 stars or less, no need to sac, 5/6 stars needs 1 monster to sac, 7 and up needs 2 to sac.  And then there are the ritual and special summonings.

    Magic creatures can only block if they are untapped.  Though there is a creature out there that can block even though it's tapped.

    YGO can "block" with no damage dealt to you if they are tapped (turned sideways).  They can block if untapped but you will receive damage difference.

    Magic creatures must tap to attack, unless they have vigilance.

    YGO monsters stay untapped after attacking.

    All YGO monsters have trample (any extra damage dealt from the attacking monster over the defending monster is dealt to the player.)

    Only Magic creatures with Trample can do that.

    Magic players start at 20 life.

    YGO players start at 8000 life or 4000 life, I don't know for sure.

    You can play some spells on your opponent's turn in Magic.

    You can only use trap cards, you placed on your turn, on an opponent's turn.

    I know there are other differences and I know that some of my differences may be wrong but I don't play YGO.  I have seen it played and I understand most of it but I don't know all the rules.  Magic is more diverse and has a lot more things to understand than YGO.  But that's just my opinion.

    Any more questions about Magic, feel free to ask.

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