
Questions about moving to Canada?!?

by Guest33371  |  earlier

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I would really love to move to Canada but I don't know the first thing about it. Here are some questions:

Could I work in Canada without being a permanant resident? How about renting an apartment? What are the steps I should take to make my move?




  1. If you think you may want to move to Canada permanently, start the immigration process now. You have to apply from outside of the country, so you don't want to just come here on a temporary work permit, and find out you have to leave and wait two years to come back, if they let you.

    Here is the official Immigration Canada website for more information:

    You don't need to be a landed immigrant to rent an apartment, you just need to be able to pay the rent. Some landlords will ask for references but not always.

  2. when you immigrate to canada you go through a job process. i learned about it in geography class. congratulations, Canada is a wonderful place to be. I love it.

  3. You need a work permit(temporary work) or permanent residence.Most landlords require a credit check and references to rent an apartment.

    You will need a skilled trade that`s in demand or a family member in Canada willing to sponsor you.The process can take years.There are about 850,000 people waiting to come to Canada and they let in 250,000 a year.

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