
Questions about my 1st pregnancy?

by  |  earlier

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I asked this question in "Pregnancy" earlier, but didn't get much of a response. Maybe you mothers or "new" mommys can help, since you've been through it already.

I have a couple of questions about my pregnancy. I'm 24 weeks 4days pregnant today.

1) I've had pressure in my lower abdomen/bladder for about a week. Doctor says I'm not far enough along to begin checking my cervix (which is fine by me)

2) Monday night I woke up to use the RR. Sat on the side of bed before getting up, used RR, came back to bed and edge of bed was wet. Evidently my bladder leaked as I pushed up from the bed, unbeknownst to me. (I was a little embarrassed). *It was not pink in color not "sweet smelling". I'm positive it was urine. :-|

3) Last night I began to have "twinges" in my lower stomach. Almost cramp-y like. More like a grab/hold and release. Nothing painful, just enough that I KNOW it's happening. I also had ALOT of gas pains/pressure.

I'm just wanting to know if this is normal at 24weeks. Are these "cramps" braxton hicks contraction? Is it normal to have incontinence? Is the pressure normal?

I have another appointment with my doctor on Sept 4, but I just wanted to know if anyone else experienced this, or if anyone has any information to offer about it.

Thank you!!!!




  1. VERY normal. I had all of these problems too and then my "braxton hicks" contractions started feeling like the real thing and measured that way at the doctors office, but no dialation... I was well prepared for labor when it finally did come though. Your baby may just be sitting low or already head down, mine was. It caused the low pressure too and I had issues with leaking. I used pads for the last 2 months because I didn't want to be walking around like I'd peed in my pants. I was CONVINCED once that my water broke, but no just a little pee. Welcome to the joys of the last trimaster! Soon your little one will be here and you'll still have pee on you sometimes! :)

  2. It is are six months pregnant and in your last trimester.  That said, it would not hurt for you to make your doctor aware of all of this...

  3. O yes completely normal. If i coughed or sneezed i would pee a little, and it was soo embarrassing. But alot of people have leaking and its definately NOT normal, dont forget to announce it to your doctor.

    The tightening is most likely braxton hicks contractions, I started getting them at 4 months until term.

    The cramps could also be the uterus stretching, I had pain and twinges like that, also when the baby kicked really hard. Just make sure you write a list of everything your concerned about and tell your doctor. I was the same, I worried so much about everything, now I have a beautiful 4 month old. Enjoy it now, because you will defintatly miss it later on LOL

  4. its normal.but dont exert to your doc abt this in your next visit.body is just strtching

  5. i just had a baby and i had similiar pains..ita pretty normal..just bring it up to your doctor at your next sure he/she will tell you the same..but every pregnancy is different..

  6. they are probably not braxton..probably more of streching cramping from everything begining to for the pee, try doing you kegles..cause it will only get worse,believe me, if you cough,laugh,

  7. Is it normal to have incontinence? Yes

    Is the pressure normal?  Yes

    Braxton hicks?  Yes

  8. Having pressure in the lower abdomen/bladder can be normal in pregnancy because of the extra weight of the baby on that area but it can also be an indication of a bladder infection.  Have you noticed any burning when you pee?  How you noticed an increase in the number of times you have to go pee with out an increase in the amount that you are drinking?  Do you go pee but still feel the need to go or within a few minutes feel you have to go again?  When you go does hardly anything come out and you still have the need to go but can't?  If you answered yes to any of these then you should call the dr and ask if you can bring in a sample or come in to give a sample to be checked for bladder infection.  

    If it is just incontinence you can try doing kegels (not sure if spelled that right) and also where a panty liner.  Do a google search on Kegel and you will get a list of ways to do them.  This exercise tightens the pelvic floor musles so that you will have less trouble holding your urine and also will help to tighten up the uterus muscles for an (hopefully) easier labour.

  9. Totally normal! Incontinence is pretty common (baby sitting on your bladder) when I was pregnant with my son I felt like I would urinate for ages! Cramps, totally BH, make sure you tell your dr about it though.  

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