
Questions about my kitty getting spayed?

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My kitten is getting spayed this Thursday & I have some questions:

1.she will be in the hospital for 2 days, wont she scared?

2.when she gets home, will she be in pain?

3. how can I comfort her??

Please include any other info that may seem helpful to me. Im worried about my baby girl!!


OH & if you could, please include your cat's experince with being spayed/neutered.




  1. My 3 month old kitten was neutered Friday. I was so scared for him, but I knew he was in capable hands. I missed him very much, and he was only there from 8:30-3:00!

    I bought the optional four days of pain killer doses that I have been giving him every night, but he was completely back to normal by Saturday morning.

    Of course, spaying is much more invasive. They remove the ovaries, uterus, and all the other internal "female parts." You can expect the cat to be out of sorts for the next few days, but not necessarily because she's in pain. Cats just hate it when they can't do everything they're used to doing, and she'll probably be miserable because of that. You can comfort her by talking sweetly to her, giving her a couple extra treats, and paying lots of attention to her.

    They have her drugged up there and won't send her with you until she's awake and checking out medically. They'll also tell you what to look for within the first few days she's home, and what would warrant a trip back to the vet. If they don't tell you that stuff, ASK them.

    They're getting paid a lot of money to treat your pet, and they'd better treat her like a princess, right? She will get excellent care.

  2. 1.  She will be recovering from anesthesia and will be very sleepy. For that reason, she won't be scared.

    2.  She won't be in pain becuase they give them pain medication - they may give you medication to give her later if she needs it but often times they don't need it so they don't prescribe anything to take home.

    3.  Let her rest.  Within a couple days they are pretty much back to normal activity and sutures come out at 10-14 days.  Don't worry if she doesn't eat or drink much the first couple days - they often don't have much appetite at first - this is normal.  Make sure the sutures don't become red and swollen (sign of infection), watch to make sure she doesn't chew them and discourage her from a lot of running and jumping until the sutures come out.

    Don't worry - she'll do fine.

  3. why is she staying?? mine never  did!!! but she might be afraid of the cage. all anianls are scared of being in the cage! but the caretaker at the vet will be with her.

    and no, she will not hurt! when my cats got fixed, the day after, they will be cleaning themselves down there! no worries!!

  4. My cats wanted to just lay around for a while until they were up again.  I had only one day at the vets for my cats.  Picked them up the next day.  The stay-over is mainly to make sure they are going bathroom right.  

    When she gets home let her rest.  Make sure she has water in her dish.  Ask the vet if she should be on any special food for a while.  She will have the sleeping-gas in her system, so it will take time for her to get back to normal.  Be sure to not feed her the day you take her into the vet.  Pick up her bowls so she does not eat any thing until she comes home.

  5. 1. She shouldn't be in the hospital for more than a day.  You drop her off in the morning and pick her up in the evening before the animal hospital closes.  Yes, she will be scared. :(

    2. When she comes home, she will be in pain and sleepy. If you have other pets, put her in a bedroom with her own litter box.

    3. You could give the vet office a clean towel from your home so the kitten can lay on it before her surgery.  After her surgery, she'll be a little out of it.  Again, when she gets home, put her off by herself for the night to let her recover.

  6. She will be fine and will bounce back to her old self quickly. When you get her home just keep her quiet. It she is biting at the stitches a lot the vet might put a cone on her head that you have to keep on for a few days. My one female had this. Don't worry, your baby will be fine and you did the right thing in having your kitty spayed.  

  7. My cats were done before I got them, but whenever they spend a lot of time at the vet 2 things happen. They hide for a couple of days, and don't eat very well.

    If your baby seems determined to hide, build her a "safe place" that has a smallish opening. mine will hide under the covers on my bed. That way you can reach in and pet her while she hides. Yes, you can reach her, put if you don't try to take her out, she will feel safe and secure. Also, I put food and water close by, so they feel more secure. If you notice that she is hiding in one room, move everything in there and mostly close the door. Its safe and secure.

    The other thing she might do is simply run all over the house to make sure nothing has changed and then be perfectly happy.

    As for pain? The vets normally give meds to take home with cats after surgery, 1 for pain and 1 for antibiotics. Mine get that even when its just a tooth pulled. (yeah, so teeth can really hurt, but compared to having your thingy cut off????)

  8. She will probably be nervous at the vet. When she gets home she will be a little sore and probably want to mostly sleep for a couple of days.After her stitches come out she will be good as new. Even better no babies!

  9. she won't even know what happen, just give her plenty of love and extra affection when she gets home and she will be well in no time. don't worry I have 3 myself and all are fixed 2 males and one female and have all done very well.  good luck

  10. But spaying leaves a sew mark. Because u remove the eggs. and if u do, it costs a lot. i have 14 girl kittens. U should visit often to comfort her. I don't know about pain. But maybe bring a string of yarn if u visit  though. I think after u shouldn't pick it up as often. But maybe 2 weeks after. But thank you if you take my advice. Please consider doing that please. I have experience with kittens.  

  11. My cat did just fine, and I was terrified for her.  My cat was only in for the day.  We dropped her off at 8 am and picked her up around 4 pm, so I can't speak for staying overnight, I would visit if possible.  She did hiss at me though, which she never did before or has since, so don't be surprised if her behavior is off.

    My cat was not in pain as far as I know, but we did opt for a 5 day supply of pain medicine to make sure.  It was a liquid and I can't remember the name of it.  After about 2 days my cat was almost back to normal.

    Please watch her and her stitches.  Get the cone collar as well.  My cat kept pulling at her cone thing and getting choked so we had to try several.  My cat is very active to so at night we had to put her in cage to keep her from running around and opening her wound.  

    Five days after her surgery she did manage to pull out one of her stitches, I took her to the vet to make sure she was fine, she was.  The vets advice was to use the cone collar(I felt bad and took it off her).  Please make sure it fits, she won't like it but its best.  Keep your eye on her when she is wearing it though.

    To comfort her I would make her a nice place to rest and pet her.  All pets act differently so just watch her and before you know it she will be up and about in no time

  12. She will be good. :)  The time she is in the vet she will either be under for the surgery or she will be on pain meds, so she will be sleeping way more than being scared.

    She shouldn't be in much pain by the time she gets home.  Definitely make sure her activity is on the low end at first.  No jumping or lots of playing.  If you have to keep her in one room to keep her less active then definitely do that.  

    Once you get her home just be there to give her lots of love and cuddles, and she will be back to normal in no time.

    I have always had kitties, and all of them have been female.  I have never had a bad experience with any of them getting spayed.  My newest kitty just did great.  She was spayed last Feb, and was up to her old antics within a few days.  

    She will have some stitches on her belly when she gets home, so just make sure she doesn't pick at them.

  13. Your kitty may be scared but, it has to be done. 2 days seems like a long time for her to be in the hospital. My cats have always gone in in the morning and home by late afternoon. My girls are usually a little groggy and sleepy the first day and then they are usually back to normal. Ask your vet for pain meds and have him/her show you how to give them. Provide her a quiet place to sleep and offer her food and water if she wants it. Your baby will be fine and you'll both be happier.

    Good for you for taking care of her.

  14. Hi Julie

    Im no expert but I am the proud owner of Missy my baby girl pictured.

    I had my baby done at 6 months, I droped her off at the vets at and picked her up at the same day. I will warn you I cried buckets when I left her and I could not stay in the house when she was not there and then I felt awfull after getting her home as she had a big bald patch and obiously a wound where she had the operation.

    She stumbled out of her kitty carry case and just wanted to jump on the sofa and cuddle up but she was obiously a little worse for ware so I had to sit on the floor with her for a few hours but she slept most of the day.

    I was told to let her sleep give her plenty of fresh water and something lite to eat if she felt up to it later on in the day. I took a week off work just to make sure but she was fine after the initial day.

    It was and is the best thing to do for them and I dont regret puting her through that for a life time of peace of mind for her and myself.

    She was fine the next day and even jumped o my bed to do her normal wake up call (l*****g my face),It took a while for her furr to grow back and she looked funny for a few months but at least it was for a good cause.

    Just make sure she has all of her injections before taking her for the operation as the stress can bring on flu.

    Make sure she has a quiet house also when she gets home

    I hope this helps

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