
Questions for July 24th 2008?

by Guest33592  |  earlier

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1. What is the most wonderful time of the year in the NHL: Opening night or the NHL Playoffs???

2. When the 2008-2009 season finally arrives, how soon will you go to your first game of the season and how many games do you plan on attending?

3. Which NHL teams from each conference do you think has the best chance of pulling off an upset in any of the playoff rounds next season?

4. IceGirls or Mascots: If the NHL let the fans vote which of these 2 will not be allowed at the hockey game from now on, which would you choose to get rid of?

5. You attend an a hockey game on the night your team has the all you can eat and drink deal (minus the booze) what and how much would you eat and drink?

6. Your sitting behind the penalty box of the opposing team and a player you don't like is serving 5 minutes for fighting. The hockey player turns around and gives you finger while cursing you out. What would you say/do next to that player?




  1. 1. Opening night.... you can finally see hockey again!

    2. Well if I get some free leafs tickets that they're givin' out they I will be going to the first pre-season game!

    3. Chicago & Tampa

    4. ICEGIRLS!!!!

    5. A whole lot!

    6. Oh.... I might just go crazy! I will curse back, probably throw something at him or I just might jump in!

  2. 1. Playoffs.

    2. November 8th at GM Place against the Wild; at least six.

    3. Get back to you in April.

    4. Ice girls. s*x appeal is great, but doesn't have much influence in hockey.

    5. I don't know...I can eat quite a lot. In a 16-hour day, I'll be able to have five full meals.

    6. Whatever he says, I can respond in kind. I just gotta hope I don't do what that idiot in Philly did to Domi. I don't need that kind of thing on my

  3. 1. Opening night. bcuz its more enjoyable and bcuz there is more hockey to come.

    2. I'm going to the lightning home opener when they come back. At least 10.

    3.washington in the east and the wild in the west.

    4. Ice girls. im a guy do the math.

    5. way too much. way way too much. more than kobayashi and chesnut put together.

    6. i would tell him " Hey at least i didnt just get my azz kicked".

  4. 1. What is the most wonderful time of the year in the NHL: Opening night or the NHL Playoffs???

    - Any night where "Gretzky v 2.0" gets knocked on his Penguin jersey wearing butt, whines for a call, doesn't get it, and the other team scores. Of course, the 2007-08 Stanley Cup Finals are going to be hard to top.

    2. When the 2008-2009 season finally arrives, how soon will you go to your first game of the season and how many games do you plan on attending?

    - Not to be a smartass, but I don't plan to attend any unless a free ticket comes my way. Too much to attend games any more for an inferior product. And I just don't like funding another season without a Stanley Cup at the end.

    3. Which NHL teams from each conference do you think has the best chance of pulling off an upset in any of the playoff rounds next season?

    - EAST, Capitals

    - WEST, Blackhawks

    4. IceGirls or Mascots: If the NHL let the fans vote which of these 2 will not be allowed at the hockey game from now on, which would you choose to get rid of?

    - Oddly enough, I'd vote to get rid of the Ice Girls ONLY because I like tossing food at the mascots. But that's just me.

    5. You attend an a hockey game on the night your team has the all you can eat and drink deal (minus the booze) what and how much would you eat and drink?

    - Chicken wings until I can barely breathe.

    6. Your sitting behind the penalty box of the opposing team and a player you don't like is serving 5 minutes for fighting. The hockey player turns around and gives you finger while cursing you out. What would you say/do next to that player?

    - Here, have a refreshing cola!

  5. 1.) Playoffs of course!  They're the road to the Cup!

    2.) I always go to opening night, and hopefully I can go to at least 10 games this season.  That's about how many I go to each year (excluding playoffs).  But we recently got this really nice television, and the games look awesome on it.  And with Doc and Chico commentating, you can't go wrong!

    3.) Probably Chicago and maybe the Devils.  The furthest we've gone in the playoffs recently was getting killed in 5 games in the 2nd round.  So maybe we can upset a couple teams this year.

    4.) Ice Girls.  They're not even pretty and they don't do much.

    5.) I don't eat a lot so I wouldn't benefit from this.  Uh...One order of nachos and a drink and I'd be full.  Yeah, I know, lame.

    6.) I'd rip a blank page from my program and write something like "Loser" on it really large and bold with an arrow and stick it behind the glass.  :)

  6. 1. The playoffs. They're the most exciting.

    2. I'll go to my first game of the season as soon as I can, maybe in December or January. Since I'm reallly busy, I plan on going to only 2 games.

    3. I'm going to be honest here and say that I have no idea. Usually every time I pick a team to win, they lose (I stopped doing bets a long time ago.)

    4. Definitely, DEFINITELY IceGirls. Nobody likes them, except for drunk 40-year-old men.

    5. I don't eat a lot at hockey games, so I'd probably just buy some nachos.

    6. I would jump over the wall and murder him with my bare hands (don't think I wouldn't, either.)

  7. 1) Opening Night relieves us of the withdrawl and all teams have a chance at the Cup .. but the playoffs is where the action picks up

    2) I haven't decided yet, but I have connections

    3) Blues in the West and Devils in the East

    4) Ice Girls, even though I know one, she goes to my school

    5) If it's Indian food I could go with 4 plates of tandoori chicken, lamb curry and at least a pitcher of Dr Pepper (or ice water with lemon)

    6) Call a kid over and have him moon the b*****d.

  8. 1. Opening night! There's nothing like it. It's the atmosphere you wait all summer for. Only 72 days away!

    2. I'll (hopefully) be going to the home opener, though the "official" home opener for the Bolts is in Prague. I'd say 14.



    Toronto (Yes, I'm predicting they make the playoffs)

    Bolts (of course!)



    4. IceGirls. Can't say I don't like 'em, but Mascots will always have a place at sporting events.

    5. Too much!

    6. Grab some pine!

  9. 1. 1st round of the playoffs, I love it, there is always hockey on.

    2. I plan on attending about 10 and it depends on what team they are playing, if they are playing a team I like, hate or is good then I want to see it

    3. Blackhawks, and Capitals

    4. Mascots, they are mainly for little kids and I am not a little kid so therefore i want them gone.

    5. two hotdogs, popcorn and 2 cokes but I don't really have weight problems or if I do it is that I am too light which sucks.

    6. I would laugh and keep cursing and calling him a pu*sy and stuff.

  10. 1)  EVERY night is hockey night!

    2)  Have yet to decide


    4)  Mascots (Ideally both - but I was a young man once in my life.....)

    5)  I don't eat a lot

    6)  Ignore him - he's only there for 5 minutes

  11. .1 they are both wonderful times for different situations like right now the most wonderful time is opening night cause it will have been a long drag of summer once it finally comes and im so ready to see howour new goalie will perfome but when it gets later in the season there is nothing better than playoff time, its more than one game unlike opening night so i guess overall its the playoffs

    2. Im goin to the home opener like i always do which is the 11th i believe.  Im gonna try to make at least a game a month but probablly more this season becuase my brother has season tickets and i know he wont be able to hit up every game

    3. The caps even though it shouldnt really be an upset since they should be marked as contenders

    4. I cant imagine a caps game without slapshot but hey we've got other ways to fire up the crowd.

    5. I cant eat and watch hockey(i get too into the game and i dont wanna lose food sitting on my lap while im jumping up when they score) at the same time i'd get as mush as food as i could handle at the rink before the game and scarf it down before they leave the ice after warmups as i usaully do.

    6.  Just ask jeff carter wait what who said that?

    He can say or do whatever he wants doesnt change the fact that hes n the box i'd probably just take a picture of him then post it on facebook with the capstion "haha hes in the box and he's pissed boo hoo"

  12. 1. Opening Night because it means the hockey season is beginning, not almost ending. It;s the beginning of the many memories and excitment that will last 8-9 months of straight hockey! But for me it seems to end after the 7th month (2nd round exits).

    2. I'm planning on attending 10-15 and I'm also going to buy tickets to the opener.

    3. Sabres, Oilers IMO have the best chances for upsets.

    4. Icegirls out. I love 'em everywhere else but not in an arena.

    5. I'll be the first one that enters the arena and run and take ALL THE BEER!

    6. Your sitting behind the penalty box of the opposing team and a player you don't like is serving 5 minutes for fighting. The hockey player turns around and gives you finger while cursing you out. What would you say/do next to that player?

    Well, that would mean that Brian Campbell is flipping me off and cursing me out. I hope he likes a beer-shower! But in reality I might curse him back. I wouldn't do any actions more than words.

  13. 1.i'd say the winter classic-just old skool hockey!but other than that opening night!you've waited half a year to see what you missed!and check out your new team!

    2.opening game-mostly 32


    4.icegirls are appealing to older guys,mascots to kids, but you have to go with icegirls-kids are our future and if we want a nation of hockey fans-keep the mascots

    5.i wouldn't go CRAZy, i'd eat like 3 rounds

    6.let it be!

  14. 1. The playoffs!

    2. I'm hoping to get to the home opener, but if not then the second or third game. I will probably attend about 5 or 6 games.

    3. East: Washington Capitals

        West: San Jose Sharks

    4. Please get rid of the Ice Girls!

    5. As much as I have time to get during the intermissions without missing any of the game.

    6. I'd try to quickly think of something good to say that is tailored to that specific player or team. If I couldn't think of anything I would probably just tell him to **** off and cheer louder for my team.

  15. 1. Definitely the NHL playoffs! Viva the postseason!!

    2. I will be attending my first game sometime in late October, and may go to at least five games during the upcoming season.

    3. I can see Chicago shocking some teams in the West, and maybe Carolina doing some damage in the East.

    4. Mascots. Sadly, the novelty of the mascot has run its course. :(

    5. I would munch on the chicken fingers and nachos, with some lemonade on the side (this is of course after I spend the prior two days snacking on saltine crackers and Dasani water).

    6. If this player happens to be, Bryan McCabe, then I would tell him that he likes to score on himself off the ice as well (the rare instances he does get to score, at ACC or otherwise).

  16. 1. You said wonderful, so id say opening night, cause you feel great that hockeys back and what not, and depending on your team the playoffs can be amazing, or yourworst nightmare

    2. Last 3 years ive gone to each home opener, i plan on it again... maybe got 5 to 10 more time threw out the year, im pretty busy so i cant get to them all

    3.Im not using any basic info on this one, but i feel the preds having a break threw in the post season

    4. huh, stars have ice girls no mascot, there not a distraction, they dont do anything bad, i love mascots, stars need one... if they had one id say to heck with the ice girls

    5.stuff at the aac is expensive believe me, man, buy 4 cokes, 4 hot dogs, maybe a pizza and an ice cream, thats about a 40 dollar savings

    6. wow, well.... no idea, i wouldnt make to big of a scene, maybe moon him... run off find new seats, and buy a sweater at the fan shop, so no one can recognize me,

    no one likes to get ejected from buildings

  17. 1. Winter Classic (come, Wrigley!)

    2. Hopefully i can go opening night

    3. Flames

    4. Icegirls. They have a zamboni anyways.

    5. Iginla

    6. "I had s*x with your mom"

    7. 8 rows up, centre ice.

    8. 100% my own drawings.

    9. Blackhawks

    10. Boogard

    11. Sundin (if he comes back)

    That was a lot of work....i hope i get the best answer.

  18. 1. NHL playoffs because only the elite teams are in the playoffs. Every team has opening night but not every team will make the playoffs.

    2. It all depends on my report card. So if I do go to a game it will be after January. One game is enough for me.

    3. Tampa in the East and Chicago in the West.  

    4. Get rid of the ice girls. Mascots at least serve a purpose and can sometimes have entertainment value (Craig McTavish ripping off Harvey the Hound's tongue).

    5. All I can eat, which is a lot. People are often surprised at how much I eat because of how skinny I am.

    6. I wouldn't have to do anything. I would likely be with my cousins or my brother, and they will do whatever needs to be done. My brother once punk'd a guy for playing cards with my sister.

  19. 1. Playoffs

    2. I'm hoping on the home opener. 3-4?

    3. Blackhawks, Bolts....Bruins! :D lol.

    4. Ice Girls

    5. A lot... :]

    6. I'll go with "get the h**l outta here you piece of $hit" I'm not very creative.

  20. 1) Opening night. Such a buzz and every team is hopeful.

    2)I plan on opening night . I go every year. I may go to at least 10  over all. Not sure. Could be more , could be less

    3)East= Boston

    West = Blackhawks.

    4)Bye bye ice girls. You all are useless

    5)Two sodas and one carved meat sandwich with fries. Maybe split a ice cream pint with a friend

    6)I do the same back and then ask him to define sportsmanship in two minutes or less. Note: I have actually sat behind the penalty box during a Panthers/ New Jersey game and had a front row seat for a major melt down by Stevens in the box over his penalty. It was so bad he was booted from the game. Only time I have seen anyone flip out over something like that.

  21. 1. Opening night!

    2. Im not sure maybe in December, hopefully!

    3. The Tampa Bay Lightning & The Nashville Predators

    4. ICE GIRLS

    5. As much as my stomach can take!

    6. Jump in the penalty box and beat the living **** out of him!

    My one chance to become famous!

  22. Opening night of the season, the anticipation is greater

    Probably make it to one in the first week or two. I'll probably get to 9-10 Lightning games this year.

    I think the Blackhawks have a shot (they owned the Wings last year, and they improved in the offseason).

    And I think the Capitals have a shot, I never bet against Ovie. But that all depends on Theodore.

    I'd go with Icegirls. Mascots were only fun when I was younger.

    I'd eat probably just a little more than normal, Hot Dog, maybe some popcorn and a couple drinks. I don't want to be uncomfortable.

    I blow him a kiss and call him princess.

  23. 1.opening night. too long to wait for playoffs.

    2.hopefully asap and probably a couple

    3.i would say bolts bc new players, devils more depth,maybe the bruins. blackhawks have good chance,sharks and Calgary.

    4.don't care.

    5.i eat before i go. too expensive

    6.first curse him out, then my friend would kick his *** and lastly curse him out more and leave.

  24. 1) that all depends, are you saying the playoffs as if your favorite team was in the playoffs, or the playoffs in general? cause what if your team doesn't make it in the playoffs? lol

    - my answer would have to be NHL playoffs though. that's the best hockey there is!

    2) not to sound spoiled, but as many tickets as my dads boss will buy us. He's very generous and he promises to get us a bunch of tickets for this upcoming season for the Penguins. :)

    3) not sure. i couldn't guess right now.

    4) I don't think anybody would want either to go, i know i wouldn't. they give too much free stuff out inbetween periods.

    5) i usually don't eat at games, but i'd eat so many nachos... only if that means i don't have to get up to get them, that is...

    6) i have no clue. words would probably escape me at that moment, and than my sailor mouth would come out and i'd be swearing.... a lot..... lol

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