
Questions on Rome??

by Guest60354  |  earlier

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8: In the year 117 AD a great general named Hadrian became emperor. He is famous for _______.

a.) making changes in the government

b.) defeating Antony in a sea battle off the coast of southwest Greece

c.) building a stone wall across northern Britain to keep out barbarian tribes

d.) defeating Hannibal at the palace of the King of Bithynia

9: Around the year 300 AD an army general named Diocletian was declared emperor by his troops. He _________.

a.) lost a large part of the Roman Empire to barbarian tribes.

b.) cheated the Romans by putting copper instead of gold in the coins

c.) appointed two co-emperors, one was in Greece at Byzantium

d.) none of the above

17: The Aureliam Wall was built beginning in 271 AD around ________.

a.) Rome

b.) Carthage

c.) Constantinople

d.) Corinth

20: What was Theodosius' contribution to Christianity?

a.) He officiated the Nicene Councils

b.) He built St. Peter's Basilica

c.) He made it the official state religion

d.) He relinquished control to become Pope Leo I

21: The first sack of Rome was in

a.) 408, under Alaric and the Vandals

b.) 455, under the Vandals

c.) 410, under Athaulf and the Visigoths

d.) 410 under Alaric and the Visigoths

22: The year that marks the end of Ancient History and the beginning of Medieval History in Western Civilizations is:

a.) 423 AD

b.) 455 AD

c.) 476 AD

d.) 484 AD

23: The Battle of Milvian Bridge was:

a.) a Christian defeat of Italian pagans

b.) Constantine's defeat of rival Maxentius

c.) Roman-Gothic defeat of Atilla the Hun in 451

d.) Gepid uprising against the Huns

thanks so much to anyone who answers any one of the questions its greatly appreciated and u will recieve ur 10 points




  1. You should be doing your own home work assignments.... just look them up online.... we shouldn't be doing your homework for you.

  2. Hey! I'm Italian, I hope to be useful to you


    9. I think it's D, but I'm not sure!






  3. 8 - c, although he did much more than that, such as fortify the borders of the Empire.

    9 - d, c is close, but he actually created the tetriarchy, the rule of four emperors (two Agusti, two Caesars), which didn't end up working

    17 - a, it was the last great wall build around Rome

    20 - c, if we are talking about Theodosius I, there were a few of them

    21 - technicality none of the above, it was sacked by the Celts back in the early Republic, but among those answers is was d.

    22 - what kind of class asks you that when historians can't even agree? c, 476, is the traditional date for the fall of the Western Empire, so I'd go with that one.

    23 - b

  4. In the time it took you to type up all this information you could have Googled the answers!!  I know what the answers are - but I'm not going to tell you, just grow up and do your own homework.
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