
Questions on recycling?

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I need 20 questions for a question air. Can I have some ideas please? tnx




  1. 1. who makes the money off of your recycled items?

    2. why dont they pay you some of it when you separate the stuff FOR them?

  2. Questions about Recycling

    What items can residents recycle in Clearwater?

    What should I do with old electronics such as computers, TVs, and microwaves?

    How can I dispose of junk, old appliances or scrap metal?

    Where can I get free mulch?

    How does the County create mulch?

    What is accepted for recycling curbside in Clearwater?

    Why are some materials not accepted for recycling in Clearwater?

    How do I get a yellow curbside recycling bin?

  3. Why is it important to recycle? Simple question with a whole lot of meaning.

    In fact, Life of a Llama Organizations have started there new green campaign

    "LLAMAS GO GREEN YOU SHOULD TOO!" To become a member of LLLO and help out with this campaign email

    we are working on a new email address so I'll keep you posted on that. -Marty Jean Baker Glad to be in this together.

  4. Some of these may be similar questions that would produce the same answer but are just reworded.

    1. What can be recycled?

    2. How many trees are saved each year through paper recycling?

    3. How much energy/resources are being used when recycling?

    4. What percentage of resources are being saved every year through recycling?

    5. Have their been any recent improvements in plastic bag recycling in the past few years?

    6. What organizations out there help advertise and promote recycling?

    7. Where can I go to recycle my items.

    8. Do I need to separate my items for recycling, or is that handled by someone else?  

    9. What can I do at home to recycle/conserve everyday resources?

    10. What are they doing in the recycling centers to conserve energy and resources?

    11. What percentage of people recycle?

    12. How does recycling save energy?

    13. Who do I contact about starting a recycling program in my area?

    14. What are deposit-refund systems?

    15. What states currently have a deposit-refund system?

    16. What effects do waste prevention and recycling have on global warming?

    17. What product is taking up the most space in US landfills?

    18. What happens to Recyclables?

    19. Am I really making a difference by recycling?

    20. What happens to the money we save through recycling?

  5. What items are recycled most easily?

    What are other methods of re-using things other than recycling?

    Why should you put some kinds of glass in the recycling bins and not others?

    Why should you put some kinds of plastic in the recycling bins and not others?

    Why should you not put some kinds of cans in the recycling bin?

    How long does it take for a recycled can to find its way back onto store shelves?

  6. Why is recycling so g*y?

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