
Quick Leg Toning HELP?

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Hi. I'm going to be a freshman in highschool in 5 days. I am 5"5, weigh around 120 pounds, and i am a size 3 in jeans but it is getting pretty tight. everyone tells me i'm skinny....and i know that i am but i just want to tone up because i want to fit into a size 3 comfortably in hollister jeans. what is a fast way to just tone up my legs quickly? i am willing to start tomorrow as early as neccessary. i am NOT into starving myself or anything like that. taht is unhealthy. but any suggestions on exercise routiness?




  1. squats, lunges, wall squats, jump rope, stand calf raise, do as many as you can...hope that helps

  2. This may sound funny but it works!

    The best way is to perform full squats and lunges as exercises to tone and shape your legs into denser muscle fibers.

    Turn on your tunes to the best jams that motivate you and squat/lunge with the beat.

    Hold your arms at your sides keeping feet straight and at shoulder lengths apart squat with your feet flat on the ground leaning slightly forward.

    Make sure not to lift your heals off the ground on the way down or on the way back up and keep in time with every other beat for 5 minutes.

    Next try lunges that will work not only the legs ,but the glutes too. (Butt)  

    Standing with legs the same, step forward with your right leg leaving your left in place ( bending at your left toes) and bend at the right knee slightly leaning forward stopping at 90 degrees with foot flat on the floor.

    Make sure to only take a short step that's about 2 foot lengths from your stationary foot in front of you.Then go back to a standing position where you started and change to the left leg.

    Do this alternating exercise for 5 min.

    Start with 10 min at a time and work your way up from there every other day with no more than 5 days in 1 week with a max of 45 minutes at a time. Believe me,this works! Keep your lower back straight at all times by holding the curve in your lower back for support. No pain, no change!

    Try incorporating weight also by holding dumbbells,school books or hey, even your kid brother.........but make sure he's not too heavy. :>)  

  3. squats, lunges are great for the butt and legs
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