
Quick serving question...?

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which serve is better, as in more effective, easier, and just plain better?

-toss up with one hand, and hit it like a spike, like a jordan larson kind of serve.

-the kind where you toss it up with both hand, quick step and hit a lofty floater

-or just standing and hitting it?

i can do all, i just want your opinion. thanks!




  1. toss it up with one hand and hit it like a spike. my serves are like that and not a lot of teams i play cant get them back over. i've tried some other serves but the spiking motion in my opinion gives you more power. a good serve is deep and powerful

  2. actually, its really cool you can do all of them.

    im sure you've heard of spot serving.. use it !!

    depending on where the players are positioned.. you know?

    for instance if the back row thinks you're going to serve it deep, and are backed up, loft it over. keep up the good work :D

  3. Jordan Larson

  4. The first one !! && sum of the girls on our team can do a jump serve !! i like that one cuz it kills !!

  5. umm it depends on whos serving i like the toss and hit but thats jus me

  6. the first one. when u toss it up put top spin on it so it goes down, and snap your wrist. practice it alot and you will be pro!

  7. I do the toss with two hands. I seriously got 14 aces in a row with my floaters. Not lying. Or just change it up. I prefer the float though.

  8. ok i think there all good but is this Triada Lundeen

  9. the first one u said...but a jump serve is the best kinda serve but if u cant do it then just do it the first way.

  10. a float serve is technically the hardest for someone to pass-whether standing or jumping- but its really whatever feels best to you.  Good luck!!

  11. I like to toss with left, step with left and sorta spike it with right. Works for me!

  12. As mentioned above, the floater is harder to pass.  Why add elements of risk with jumping when you can float it while just standing on the ground.  I know the jump floater that people use changes the angle that people have to pass.  But if you stand on the ground and hit a good floater, why add the jump.  You will get aces without the risk.  Concentrate on making the sharp contact and the ball will float wildly.

  13. most likely the first one if you're going for speed/power.

    not sure about the second one.

    third one? nah. you need to have some sort of routine down when you serve, also.

  14. well depends which u personally are better at, and which u have a safer chance of getting it over with....ask ur coach which one u can do better

  15. Toss up with one hand, and hit it like a spike.  But you really have to make sure you get your toss high enough or else it will go straight into the net.

  16. you should always serve with just about the same motion whether you are serving a floater/topspin/let serve or whatever.  no, just going up there and hitting as hard(or "spiking" )you can is not the best way, because any decent ds can handle a hard serve. also, people that do that usually make a couple good serves and then hit it into the net or out of bounds.  however, the serve recievers may be confused if you do that then hit a floater as long as you dont change your toss (as you mentioned above you do). It is one of the most satisfying things in the world to know that you beat your opponent with not just the power of your serve, but the placement.

  17. I prefer the 'windmill' serve - where you act like a human catapult. I saw the China women's team using it at the Olympics a long time ago. It is difficult to get going at first, but the more you do it, the better you will get (like most things).

    The advantage of this serve is that you can put a lot of spin onto the ball, and it will catch players out, who haven't received this particular serve before.. You won't tire out using this serve, so you can do it all night if you have to.

    If you relax more, you will get the spin working. You actually use your bodyweight with this serve.

    Otherwise do a spike serve - with adding the spin, with adding the extra wrist movement upon contacting the ball - curling your wrist over. This is of course, good practice for your spiking...

  18. the first one. toss and spike.

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