
Quick version of Obama issue???

by  |  earlier

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ok so i know this happened a looongg time ago, but can someone please explain to me what happened with the whole Obama/reverend/church issue?

im not of voting age, but its good im at least showing interest, even if im months late.




  1. it was swept under the table like all obamas skeletons have been

    dems are too busy making up stuff about palin and mccain to pay attention to facts,


  3. Rev. Jeremiah Wright, baptized Obama, and was his mentor for several years... yet once Obama began running for office, Wright would not shut his mouth, in speaking for the rights of the Black Community, and challenging Obama to do something about it...

  4. It disappeared just like this Palin daughter thing will.

  5. Obama lived and worked in Chicago. He worked as a community organizer, which put him in direct contact with local churches. One church was Trinity United Church of Christ. He met the pastor there, a war hero and a leader in the community, and felt that this man was a great mentor and teacher. He began going to that church and he got baptized there and married as well. Over time, Wright--the preacher-- became more and more opinionated in his sermons and beliefs. While Obama knew where he stood on some issues--and often disagreed with him--he didn't know the extent to which Wright felt the way he did. Obama did not attend church every week, and often--since he was working in Washington, he would attend other churches or not go at all. A tape was released of Wright making terrible statements....and Obama denounced the statements...but said that Wright is a complex man and that while he isn't accurate in his opinions, his comments do not make up the entirety of the man. Wright then attacked Obama for denouncing his statements, and begain saying even more terrible things about the US and specific people in the US. Obama broke all ties from Wright at this point.  

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