I been told by numerous people that since I been put on 200mg Lamictal, 60 mg or Prozac, and .5 mg of klonopin, that I have been more testy, high strung, and not laid back like i used to be. I got put on these cause I have taken every anti depressent there was except prozac. At this time though my doctor wanted me on the mood stabilzer too cause he thought i had Bipolar II. I think I was just battling depression and anxiety so I stopped everything last tuesday. I know you shouldnt do this but I do not care, Ive done way worse things to my body and survived. i believe the lamictal made my anxiety worse and me high strung and whacked out. I havent taken that in a week and feel good. Im only taking 20mg of prozac and the klonopin .5 twice a day. I feel good and more myself. Anyone have any similar experiences or comments??????