
Quit taking Effexor???

by  |  earlier

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My doctor took me off Effexor XR 75 mg on Thursday and put me on Equetro. Since then I've been having stomach pains, dizziness, headache, muscle spasms, etc. I went to the ER and they said it was from coming off the Effexor. Has anyone else done this??? How long does these withdrawals last. Is there anything I can do to relieve these symptoms or speed up the withdrawal process? I can't even drive, go to work, the store, etc. Any advice would be great. Thanks.




  1. oh boy, i know what you are going thru.  i went from effexor 150 down to 75 and after a month i was a mess.  i work as a contractor and accidentally shocked myself on an outlet, and it felt better than the nerve zaps i was getting from lowering the dose.  then i ran out of them for a week once, people splashed holy water on me and held up crosses lol(just joking, but it was bad)  they should have cut you down to 50 for eight weeks before taking you off and switching to another. talk to him again and tell him what is going on.  the effects of getting off meds can last for a month or two.  good luck dear


  2. try eating healthy and take vitamins, get plenty of sleep

    also take omega 3 it is good for the brain , also a natural antidepressant

    read the success stories on and - some very good testimonials

    take care

  3. Disclaimer: Do not take this as a professional advice, only as reference.

    Do you have your own doctor?  Or psychologist who prescribe your meds?  Also usually yes, you are suppose to wean off your meds, Effexor, but in this case if it effects your daily life or makes you sick, head to your local ER again.  Ask your doctor about relieving your symptoms from the meds.  (Because each symptoms varies and other meds can conflict with your current meds)  The withdrawal should not last more then a month.  

  4. I went through withdrawl of effexor! When I found out I was pregnant Dec 2006. I had to wean off of it. I told my doc that I was more comfortable just opening the capsules and removing like 4-9 beads at a time. I would take out so many for so long and then up it. It took a few months but I made it. I had the "zaps", I had some other symptoms but this is what disturbed me most. They continued and lessened as time went on. By the time I had my baby it was completly off them. Good Luck.  
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