
Quitting smoking for a week.

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im 16 and i smoke, but my parents don't know. the problem is that i have to go boating with them for a week tomorrow. what should i do? i cant bring any tobacco at all on the boat.




  1. You should definitely quit, this is a good time to start.  Buy some nicotine gum or get a patch to help with the cravings.

  2. Just throw your stash away, and use this as a good reason to quit. It is much easier to quit when you are young than after you have been doing it for 20 years. It is also easier to wuit when you are around people that don't smoke, and you are busy having lots of fun.

    Put them in the trash and never look back!

  3. cigarettes are so terribly expensive, and for what?  you are paying to have bad health!  use this trip as an opportunity to quit, but you will need to replace the habit with something else or you will just go right back to it.  try chewing gum, and doing something with your hands like drawing or playing an instrument (learn a new hobby).  you need something that will distract you.  the actual physical withdrawl only lasts a few days, but the psychological withdrawl takes longer.  best of luck to you, i really hope you quit, you won't regret it.

  4. u either tell them that you have a problem and get it over with or be a man and push through the addiction, so dood quiting is not easy hang in there.luckilyy there is some good effects it has on your body, like your not thatirritablee and anger goes too.

  5. I'm already almost 60, and I still smoke.  I figure it takes a strong person to smoke with the well intended advice to just quit.  I did quit the weed from the year 1980 to New years day 2000.  20 years without should prove I'm not an addict.  (or not)?

         I know it's a bad habit, and it shortens your life.  but I hope to die before I'm in a hospital or drooling in a wheel chair in some nursing home.  Just put it down 'till your 24 years old and see if you really want to be addicted to some bad habit.  You will by then, have more experience to make a good decision.  

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