
Quote question!!!?

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Please help me remember this quote ..

It includes something about how people change & you have to move on and never forget the memories.

thanks =)




  1. Johnny Mercer lyrics?  

    "The days of wine and roses laugh and run away,

    Like a child at play

    Through a meadowland toward a closing door,

    A door marked 'nevermore,'

    That wasn't there before.

    The lonely night discloses

    Just a passing breeze.

    Filled with memories

    And the lovely days that introduced me to

    The days of wine and roses, and you."

    Also, William Wordsworth wrote:

    "Though nothing can bring back the hour

    Of splendor in the grass, of glory in the flower,

    We will grieve not, rather find

    Strength in what remains behind."

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