
Quotes with my name in it?

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Can anyone tell me any quotes with the name"Ashley" in it? Such as quotes from movies or anything along those lines. I cant think of any




  1. Well, in "Gone with the Wind" Scarlett said, "Oh Ashley, Ashley" about 100 times. Of course she was talking about a guy.

  2. "Ashley my darling my dearest please forgive my foolishness; I do love you I swear by the heavens that there is no one who has made my heart sing as you do.  Ashley, Ashley, I am sorry if I hurt you please don't leave me I beg you."

    I just made this up for you.  If you want, you can say it is from a novel I am writing titled:  "A girl called Ashley"

  3. As you go thru life Ashley

    Whatever your goal

    Keep your eye on the donut

    And not on the hole

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